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Mugen creator stereotypes and Archetypes?

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Mugen creator stereotypes and Archetypes? 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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Do they exist? I think they do. suspicious
I thought I would make my list for the lulz on the typical Mugen creator stereotypes:

1.The epic Coder
Super Coder who can't sprite to save his own life. Can code complex things but totally sucks at anything visual or graphics

2.The epic Spriter
Super Spriter who can't code to save his own life. Can paint up a storm and make cool assets but has no coding skills whatsoever.

3.The Editor
The guy that never makes anything from scratch. Just edit other peoples work. Sometimes improving the original, or making it worse depending....

4.The Moocher
Coattail rider. The type of guy you'll find on a discord PMing you talking up a storm. Has 1000 ideas & dream projects in mind.
He's good as getting people together & motivating them, convinces them to make stuff but never does anything himself and takes credit for doin nothing.

Tell me what you guys think, and, also, share your opinions or tierlists or tell me what you think about mine

Mugen creator stereotypes and Archetypes? FXzcO3r

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Mugen creator stereotypes and Archetypes? 49240809213_a0332873ca_o
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I agree with all of those, except there's 2 you missed.

The Singularity
The rarest type. Creators who can do it all, and when i say all, I mean ALL. Screenpacks stages characters fullgames and all the artwork to boot, everything. I know of a few, and only a few ever that were like this. One is a creator called strongFS, another one well, I'm sure you all know who i mean. There are some older ones too.

The perfectionist
These creators hardly ever release anything. They are extremely ocd on their creation and always think it is not good enough and continue working on it over and over and never release it and sometimes even scrap it altogether to start again.



Mugen creator stereotypes and Archetypes? 28356897037_5be1f6146a_o
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when you say stereotypes i have come to realise something after only just literally getting back into mugen for over a year.

Now keep in mind when i say this, I was really active back around the time when mugen 1.0 came out but i dipped shortly after.

So ok here's what i noticed about this community.
There is really only 4 main character types now

POTs style characters
OHMSBY style characters ( i hope thats his name spelled right)
Jump anime characters (JUS)
KOF characters
Marvel Vs characters
Joke characters and OP Cheap characters

There is heaps of other quirky stuff but these make up the majority of what people are using
and all the people that make these characters pretty much steal eachothers codes and mimick each others playstyle.
Which is cool, but it kind of sucks that mugen hasnt evolved much on that front.
I thought when i came back that there would be mad crazy original sprited characters and new gameplay styles.
But nah its still the same old repeated crap for the most part.
Why is that? Why did mugen slow down or stop evolving on the character playstyle side of things?

Mugen creator stereotypes and Archetypes? I2Dg5Fs

JJ Darko

JJ Darko

Mugen creator stereotypes and Archetypes? 2GPpdMR
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ok I have one, there is the "fanboy" stereotype.
Like there are those creators that only make things in one style or only like one type of look on their work, like for example retro game guys that only like sprites that look like the game was made in 1984 or 1994 if you know what i mean. the whole nostalgia fanboism thing. i think theres lots of mugen people like that not just creators

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Mugen creator stereotypes and Archetypes? 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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JJ Darko wrote:ok I have one, there is the "fanboy" stereotype.
Like there are those creators that only make things in one style or only like one type of look on their work, like for example retro game guys that only like sprites that look like the game was made in 1984 or 1994 if you know what i mean. the whole nostalgia fanboism thing. i think theres lots of mugen people like that not just creators

lol you jusy unknowlingly perfectly described the add004 screenpack + Pots chars meme lol.
Basically 60% of the mainstream mugen community since 2013 would fall into that category lmao.

Mugen creator stereotypes and Archetypes? 39617182812_da9b58ffc9_o


Mugen creator stereotypes and Archetypes? 2GPpdMR
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SuperWhiskey wrote:Do they exist? I think they do. suspicious
I thought I would make my list for the lulz on the typical Mugen creator stereotypes:

1.The epic Coder
Super Coder who can't sprite to save his own life. Can code complex things but totally sucks at anything visual or graphics

2.The epic Spriter
Super Spriter who can't code to save his own life. Can paint up a storm and make cool assets but has no coding skills whatsoever.

3.The Editor
The guy that never makes anything from scratch. Just edit other peoples work. Sometimes improving the original, or making it worse depending....

4.The Moocher
Coattail rider. The type of guy you'll find on a discord PMing you talking up a storm. Has 1000 ideas & dream projects in mind.
He's good as getting people together & motivating them, convinces them to make stuff but never does anything himself and takes credit for doin nothing.

Tell me what you guys think, and, also, share your opinions or tierlists or tell me what you think about mine

Oh they definitely exist man, I know people from all four categories. I'll be honest, I'm basically number 4 except I actually try and do something and don't take credit from other people. My circle of authors include 1 and 2, and then number 3 is, well, usually what causes problems lol.



Mugen creator stereotypes and Archetypes? 28356897037_5be1f6146a_o
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Balelynx wrote:I agree with all of those, except there's 2 you missed.

The Singularity
The rarest type. Creators who can do it all, and when i say all, I mean ALL. Screenpacks stages characters fullgames and all the artwork to boot, everything. I know of a few, and only a few ever that were like this. One is a creator called strongFS, another one well, I'm sure you all know who i mean. There are some older ones too.

Yeah theres a few. And only a few small number.
Only singularities i know are Beximus, Strong FS, Phantom D, Immortal Syn and the MUGENMASON322

Mugen creator stereotypes and Archetypes? IuFetyD

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