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Boryema's Mugen creations

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1Mugen Creator/Youtuber Boryema's Mugen creations Tue Mar 17, 2020 9:04 pm

Vermilion Spy

Vermilion Spy

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Boryema AKA Brucekeee Gaming's Mugen Creations
Boryema's Mugen creations NepwzQq
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Boryema AKA Brucekeee Gaming AKA Bruce Komakech is a Canadian Mugen character creator best known for his "infinite/SvK" styled DBZ character edits and cvs character conversions. Among his long list of character edits are his most popular pseudo MVC/CVS style Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden characters which were among the first DBZ characters from to be converted to mugen. He has been active in the mugen community since atleast 2011.

Boryema gains his screen name from a joke involving another mugen creator named borewood. Some comments made about him in discord chat where he was compared to this other creator, made him coin the name as a joke.

Boryema's characters all utilize an "SvK" template which is based of the mechanics and playstyle of Mr Infinite & R@ce45/R@ce Akira's early "infinite style"characters which feature MVC Super jump, chain combos, launchers, fullscreen hyper BGs and CVS style hitsparks.

Boryema's characters and his template have not been without scrutiny and for understandable reason.
The original SvK template created by R@ce/Mr Infinite, utilized by Boryema had some issues which cause infinite combos etc, hence also were present in some of his edits. Other minor issues involved the odd missing sound, supers that gain back power, and missing sprites in some cases.
But for the most part, his characters otherwise were decent SvK conversions and supplemented the roster of CVS chars that mr infinite and R@ce didnt create.

At some point between 2014-2017 he began working on a DBZ mugen fullgame project with a youtube channel called nintendoxanime AKA EXPA entertainment that makes DBZ fullgames. It was at this point that many of his previously online single character download links began disappearing for the purpose of including them exclusively within this fullgame, however despite much hype and several updates and trailers, the fullgame project became nothing more than a DBZ character compilation with alot of duplicates and unbalanced gameplay.
All of Boryema's DBZ characters to date can be found inside this fullgame character folder by downloading the entire game and extracting them.

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2Mugen Creator/Youtuber Re: Boryema's Mugen creations Tue Mar 17, 2020 10:51 pm



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there's some characters you won't find in there bub. For example, his Goku black!
He took it offline because he had some agreement with EXPA entertainment not to release certain characters that would be in the game.
But not before I scored him before the links went down! Allow me.

Boryema's Mugen creations YCsadG8

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Boryema's Mugen creations P21sO8E

3Mugen Creator/Youtuber Re: Boryema's Mugen creations Mon Mar 30, 2020 7:59 am



Boryema's Mugen creations GlDVwFc
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That Bardock looks awesome as hell
it would have been harder but a lot cooler if could've implemented Team Bardock in there.

4Mugen Creator/Youtuber Re: Boryema's Mugen creations Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:53 am

Filthy Fredo

Filthy Fredo

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what's sadder is i tried that fullgame and its garbage.
he should have stuck to finishing an infinite style dbz roster just for regular mugen as he originally was. because his characters were fun.
Also who the hell are AKA EXPA entertainment
theres nothing online about them.

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