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[Japanese Website]はれときどきむげん (Fair, Then Partly Mugen) Misao's Mugen Creations Website

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[Japanese Website]はれときどきむげん (Fair, Then Partly Mugen) Misao's Mugen Creations Website 29630307338_927318ed53_o
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はれときどきむげん (Fair, Then Partly Mugen)
Misao's Mugen Creations Website
[Japanese Website]はれときどきむげん (Fair, Then Partly Mugen) Misao's Mugen Creations Website WOVt37E

[center]Misao, also known as Umana_Mugen, is a retired, Veteran Japanese Mugen character creator best known making semi-accurate versions of both Darkstalkers/Vampire Savior and Samurai Shodown V characters. It is known exactly known when Misao was first active in the Mugen community, but he was uploading characters to his Umana_Mugen getuploader storage account since atleast 2008.
He is now retired from Mugen, With his last known character updates or mugen related activity being in 2014.

[Japanese Website]はれときどきむげん (Fair, Then Partly Mugen) Misao's Mugen Creations Website WeRz8ox[Japanese Website]はれときどきむげん (Fair, Then Partly Mugen) Misao's Mugen Creations Website 220px-Hare_Tokidoki_Buta_cover_art

His creations were showcased and hosted on his personal website はれときどきむげん (Fair, Then Partly Mugen). Misao's website name is a Japanese wordplay on the popular Japanese children's picture book series Fair, then Partly Piggy (はれときどきぶた, Hare Tokidoki Buta).

[Japanese Website]はれときどきむげん (Fair, Then Partly Mugen) Misao's Mugen Creations Website Gmue5Yr

Notes: His Samurai Shodown V characters have their signature "fatality" function, which is similar to what Mortal Kombat does, but apparently isn't a "stun" state or whatever, its some kind of super move. I don't quite know, but its awesome! Unfortunately though, he is retired, so his characters won't be updating any time soon or probably ever... but... let's get to the good stuff.

Look how freakin' cool this is! Like hell yeah!


Misao's Official getuploader folder:
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Last edited by jo19sh92 on Mon Nov 01, 2021 8:11 am; edited 6 times in total

[Japanese Website]はれときどきむげん (Fair, Then Partly Mugen) Misao's Mugen Creations Website Metal_slug_logo



[Japanese Website]はれときどきむげん (Fair, Then Partly Mugen) Misao's Mugen Creations Website RjBqV68
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A great addition. additional download links and information added to main description

jo19sh92 wrote:

To make sure we keep our archive links and information source accurate and avoid backlash/misinformation,
just to confirm, are the characters in this video definitely the creation of this author from Japan, or are they actually edits/creations of our other Newage member Guardia de Mieux.
The reason I point this out is because he has self-proclaimed this video footage to actually be his personal work/fullgame project: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  

[Japanese Website]はれときどきむげん (Fair, Then Partly Mugen) Misao's Mugen Creations Website 37790345872_ebfeb58d10_o



[Japanese Website]はれときどきむげん (Fair, Then Partly Mugen) Misao's Mugen Creations Website 28356897037_5be1f6146a_o
Newsboy (Stone)
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★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
Newagemugen Member for over 10 Years

random ass Japanese creators made the funiest stuff.
I heard through the wind that many quit

[Japanese Website]はれときどきむげん (Fair, Then Partly Mugen) Misao's Mugen Creations Website I2Dg5Fs

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