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How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?

Vermilion Spy
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1How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?  Empty How to make a JUS/2D character in PC? Sat Apr 20, 2024 5:15 am


How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?  GlDVwFc
Death Note (Wood)
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Hi,I want to make a 2d/JUS character using PC software.What software should I use? Will the sprite look exactly the same as the sprite from a tablet?


How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?  GlDVwFc
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Vermilion Spy

Vermilion Spy

How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?  51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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Hi Wolly

Unfortunately Newagemugen Forums is a Mugen forum intended for intermediate/adcanced Mugen users with experience and knowledge of Mugen basics/Mugen creation.

However, for beginners, we would recommend searching or looking for answers to such questions on these helpful off-site threads:

Mugenguild Help

Mugenmultiverse Help

Mugenfreeforall Help

How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?  39750191021_f709bd611c_o


How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?  GlDVwFc
Death Note (Wood)
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Vermilion Spy wrote:Hi Wolly

Unfortunately Newagemugen Forums is a Mugen forum intended for intermediate/adcanced Mugen users with experience and knowledge of Mugen basics/Mugen creation.

However, for beginners, we would recommend searching or looking for answers to such questions on these helpful off-site threads:

Mugenguild Help

Mugenmultiverse Help

Mugenfreeforall Help  

But these forums are dead.I tried GUILD and only 2 users replied of 200.
Are the mugen creators dead?



How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?  Wcz4RWt
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Mugen is and always has been a lone wolf hobby.
Many people get into it expecting all the answers to be given to you on a silver platter when it has never been that way.
Like anything, you have to put the solo effort in first of research to learn new skills.
There is no one way to learn a mugen skill.
You have to research, google, look up tutorials, learn what software and skills you need and what coding languages you need to make things.
Those forums are still very active and so are the discord servers.
But mostly you will be having to put in the hard work on your own to get the answers you require.
Ill post some character tutorials later

How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?  Wk02Hys



How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?  49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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wolly wrote:Hi,I want to make a 2d/JUS character using PC software.What software should I use? Will the sprite look exactly the same as the sprite from a tablet?

My first questuon for you would be are you really prepared for what it takes to make an entire character on your own.

My second question would be, do you sprite?
Because if you dont then you have to learn how to do that first unless you are going to use existing ones

How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?  FXzcO3r



How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?  Wcz4RWt
Kindred Spirit (Bronze)
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wolly wrote:
Vermilion Spy wrote:Hi Wolly

Unfortunately Newagemugen Forums is a Mugen forum intended for intermediate/adcanced Mugen users with experience and knowledge of Mugen basics/Mugen creation.

However, for beginners, we would recommend searching or looking for answers to such questions on these helpful off-site threads:

Mugenguild Help

Mugenmultiverse Help

Mugenfreeforall Help  

But these forums are dead.I tried GUILD and only 2 users replied of 200.
Are the mugen creators dead?

Mugen creators generally get pissed off when newbies come along asking questions without doing their own research.
That's why the community sometimes gets a bad reputation.
itsbecause back in the 2000s you couldnt just chat and get answers.
You had to read alot of documents and trial and error everything for yourself to learn.

But you can start with these.
This is the ABC of making a character.

How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?  Wk02Hys



How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?  Ya01log
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There are some good beginner help threads listed here I used before


How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?  GlDVwFc
Death Note (Wood)
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SuperWhiskey wrote:
wolly wrote:Hi,I want to make a 2d/JUS character using PC software.What software should I use? Will the sprite look exactly the same as the sprite from a tablet?

1)My first questuon for you would be are you really prepared for what it takes to make an entire character on your own.

2)My second question would be, do you sprite?
Because if you dont then you have to learn how to do that first unless you are going to use existing ones

1)I am
2) I don't know how to sprite. This is the reason why I created this thread!



How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?  49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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What you probably need to do is study spriting in the spriters community first.
Then after that learn the mugen side of things.

Talk to Sailormoon knight. Hes a spriter

How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?  FXzcO3r

11How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?  Empty Re: How to make a JUS/2D character in PC? Fri Apr 26, 2024 11:05 am


How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?  GlDVwFc
Death Note (Wood)
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SuperWhiskey wrote:What you probably need to do is study spriting in the spriters community first.
Then after that learn the mugen side of things.

Talk to Sailormoon knight. Hes a spriter

Can you point me to a sprite forum?
I found one in the internet but I don't know if it's useful because it doesn't use Photoshop and I want to use Photoshop
Also the forum is a based Megamen website.
I have a few posts here and I can't contact Sailormoon knight!



How to make a JUS/2D character in PC?  28356897037_5be1f6146a_o
Newsboy (Stone)
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wolly wrote:
SuperWhiskey wrote:What you probably need to do is study spriting in the spriters community first.
Then after that learn the mugen side of things.

Talk to Sailormoon knight. Hes a spriter

Can you point me to a sprite forum?
I found one in the internet but I don't know if it's useful because it doesn't use Photoshop and I want to use Photoshop
Also the forum is a based Megamen website.
I have a few posts here and I can't contact Sailormoon knight!

If you are looking for sprite forums, you may wanna try the G.I.Y method to get the info you seek: Cheesin

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