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Fredo's Mugen Tips #01 - 3 main reasons Why most of your Big Mugen projects FAIL

Filthy Fredo
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Filthy Fredo

Filthy Fredo

Fredo's Mugen Tips #01 - 3 main reasons Why most of your Big Mugen projects FAIL 51631106195_34e64106bd_o
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Many people send me the private message asking me "hey fredo fredo, your stage is best in the world blah blah blah, how do you do this xxx thing".
And always so many question like this, like "how do i do this effect, that code what software is you use?" and this kind of question.

So actually i get tired of give the same answer every time, so I answer everyone here in one tutorial.
But this is not typical tutorial.
I am not gonna show you long demonstration or skills.
I am gonna explain 3 reasons WHY your project fail, and what you need to do to succeed in it.

so here we go.


The first reason that people fail at making good mugen projects is because they DON'T READ ANYTHING!
You never read all the files. You didn't learn the basics things of mugen first.
You didnt learn how all the different files work. You never did some google research of your own to discover answers to the questions.
Instead you lazy and just join discord or website and ask too many question not looking answer yourself first.


The 2nd reason people fail at making good mugen is because YOU ARE ADDICTED TO VIDEO GAMES!
Mugen is a game, yes. But if you want to make serious mugen project and have success, you cannot be gamer at same time.
Mugen takes LOTS of time. many many hours study. many hours coding things.
If you are try to make high level mugen creation like us, and you think you can play games and chat chatty chat on your twitch and discords same time, YOU WILL FAIL. You have to make some sacrifice of your life to have success. If you try do both things. you will be bad at both things


The 3rd reason people mugen project fails is they have NO PLANS AND NO GOALS!
Most people just do this thing every year: they make the new account here, then they do introduction, then they make a WIP and say:

"Hello people i am old retro game guy from golden mugen days, i just come back to mugen 10 years layer yay!
I am going to create my new mugen project call super poopoo fighter!
It have 1000 dragon ball Z character and super cool screenpack! so get ready! tell me what you think about it!"

Then after January they back at 9-5 job, and they give up the topic because they see is impossible they have no plan just make lots of promise and cannot fulfil it, and bring shame on themself and dissappear.
If you have a project, you need a PLAN. you need to know how much time is it you have for work, friends, family, pets, exercise, and then, your free extra time. So if you only have maybe 2 hours a week free time for mugen then your project is gonna have to be very small or you never finish it.
SO my meaning here is, dont make crazy promise you cannot keep to people online, and use brain to create a clear plan how will you achieve your goal and is it possible

So this is my first 3 tips for all of you people who ask so many these questions.
I just give you some good advice. Now I will show you how I use these tip:

number one: I Do lots of research. I study all kinds of documents and video tutorials, and learn more and more about mugen, and also i study all the tools i need to achieve success in my project, even if i must learn some new software or skill. I may sometimes pay to do some online courses to upgrade my skills to make better contents. Also this is a good skill for your life aswell. You MUST study all things in life to get success. easy things is not have any value anywhere in life.

Number 2: I don't play any video games or those kind of extra hobby if I am focus on mugen project. When I am make a mugen project for someone, I must give all my free hobby time and spare time outside my real life responsibility if I want success. Playing video game is just like give the brain chocolate bar or candy. It feels good but there is no reward for me just waste time and be lazy. So I only focus on mugen when I need to complete project. No games no chat social media things as distraction

Number 3: I write down my goals and i think how long is the time i need to finish it. Then i have my plan and write down all the things must i do.
Then i see how long will it take, maybe it is worth my time, maybe it is not worth my time, and then I see when I want to be able to finish it, and I am careful I check that I achieve my goal as i say i will

So there are my 3 tip for you, this is very basic things all people should know this, but I know you gamer people and anime people waste lots of time and thats why your mugen looks all the same as everyone because you did not try and and follow the rules to have success.

The Cosmic frog will get you!
Fredo's Mugen Tips #01 - 3 main reasons Why most of your Big Mugen projects FAIL JABb8Bu
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Filthy Fredo wrote:
Most people just do this thing every year: they make the new account here, then they do introduction, then they make a WIP and say:

"Hello people i am old retro game guy from golden mugen days, i just come back to mugen 10 years layer yay!
I am going to create my new mugen project call super poopoo fighter!
It have 1000 dragon ball Z character and super cool screenpack! so get ready! tell me what you think about it!"

Then after January they back at 9-5 job, and they give up the topic because they see is impossible they have no plan just make lots of promise and cannot fulfil it, and bring shame on themself and dissappear.

ngl this part really hit kinda hard...because ive literally done this before almost exactly as you worded it. Frustrated

This is so obvious yet makes perfect sense. Just this is the first time I think i have ever actually seen someone word it like that...damn lol

Fredo's Mugen Tips #01 - 3 main reasons Why most of your Big Mugen projects FAIL I2Dg5Fs



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Wise words Fredo!
It may sound harsh, but it is quite true this pattern i have seen many times with failed projects.

But I think the biggest reason why many mugen projects failed is because the peoples making these passion project were not thinking about how long it will really take because of lack of experience and when they make one or 2 character then they realize, oh no...this will take forever i give up i lost interest..

Fredo's Mugen Tips #01 - 3 main reasons Why most of your Big Mugen projects FAIL CPi7Pvr



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Yeah... this kinda goes hand in hand with many gamers I've encountered thinking they can make a great game because they have a "cool original" idea. They don't realize the amount of work actually goes into making something. All too common these days.

Knighted Palettus, maximus the 3rd

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PREACH Fredo! ANNOINT these Foos! Cheesin Dat behind Cheesin

And like ma homie lawnmower said, the majority of people on the consumer/gamer end of the scale have nooooooooooooooooo idea the amount of blood sweat and tears that goes into making worthwhile creations. It takes YEARS of trial & error jsut to develop your own style and perfect it, let alone actually learn the mechanics of how to make stuff to be able to even complete it so yeeee

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Fredo's Mugen Tips #01 - 3 main reasons Why most of your Big Mugen projects FAIL Wcz4RWt
Kindred Spirit (Bronze)
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HmmmLawnmower wrote:Yeah... this kinda goes hand in hand with many gamers I've encountered thinking they can make a great game because they have a "cool original" idea. They don't realize the amount of work actually goes into making something. All too common these days.

yeah its really like that and im guilty of it.
I remember making a fullgame compilation and trying to balance the roster out so it felt like a capcom vs snk type game
but the balancing and messing around with individual characters ended up taking all my time up and the game looked like shit so i gave up.

Fredo's Mugen Tips #01 - 3 main reasons Why most of your Big Mugen projects FAIL Wk02Hys

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