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Blazblue: Central Fiction in 2023. Did it age well?

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Blazblue: Central Fiction in 2023. Did it age well? 28356897037_5be1f6146a_o
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Blazblue Chrono phantasma is one of my fav fighting games of all time.
I'm not going to convince you why you should play the series it if you don't.
But I found this recent video made in 2023 reviewing the game that i found really entertaining haha.
If you are an old school payer that hasnt picked it up in a while, i suggest watching its pretty funny and honest

Blazblue: Central Fiction in 2023. Did it age well? I2Dg5Fs

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Blazblue: Central Fiction in 2023. Did it age well? 31033064018_b80c08f405_o
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i played BB CP almost every day when it first released, hell, i think i may have almost platinumed it except for the watch mode trophies because i could not get enough online lobbies to participate in watch mode.
by the time i went back to rey complete it on ps3, it was already a dead console and ps4 pro was coming out. but yes sir i love blazblue. central fiction is a great game

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I played a lot of blazblue starting with the calamity trigger until the central fiction, I like this license, the music, the magnificent scenes and the design of the characters which I find impeccable, as usual arc system works its really very strong.
hope to see another episode of blazblue one day.

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Blazblue: Central Fiction in 2023. Did it age well? Unname10

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JJ Darko

Blazblue: Central Fiction in 2023. Did it age well? 42463946061_c82f3ae03a_o
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lunalucard55 wrote:I played a lot of blazblue starting with the calamity trigger until the central fiction, I like this license, the music, the magnificent scenes and the design of the characters which I find impeccable, as usual arc system works its really very strong.
hope to see another episode of blazblue one day.

me too, the character designs from Arc system works are so cool - I like almost all of them except maybe one or 2. And the music, oh the music soundtrack for the series is so good, even the main menu bgm is top quality



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At first, it was a fight oriented game, but the plot mode was really exciting and the world setting was grand

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