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IKEMEN/MUGEN differentiation

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1IKEMEN/MUGEN differentiation Empty IKEMEN/MUGEN differentiation Sun Oct 23, 2022 11:19 am

Vermilion Spy

Vermilion Spy

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On observation of the wider community I am wondering whether we need to start differentiating certain aspects of the two engines on their relevant sections and what you all think about it.
For example, Screenshots and videos pertaining to one or the other.
Should we be strict about making sure ikemen content is only posted in the ikemen/clone engine section or should we allow for some cross over?
In hind sight, I know policing and moderating would be less workload to combine the two, but long term it could cause confusion especially among less informed members.
Nothing worse than someone seeing ikemen content and trying to replicate a certain feature not in mugen, same as if something that is not supported in ikemen is shown in a video posted in ikemen section and so fourth.
Post your thoughts here on the matter

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2IKEMEN/MUGEN differentiation Empty Re: IKEMEN/MUGEN differentiation Mon Oct 24, 2022 8:14 am



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I think its a good idea to separate them because it will definitely be a headache for you guys if you dont.
The main reason i see it being important to have it separated is because we should not assume that everyone that joins here is a mugen veteran or advanced user.
So if less experienced members come to view videos and things they will be confused if they see an ikemen video in a mugen topic and the same with screenshots because Ikemen has many modules and things like that.
I use both Ikemen and mugen so I have created topics for both for everyone here:


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that should solve the problem

3IKEMEN/MUGEN differentiation Empty Re: IKEMEN/MUGEN differentiation Sat Nov 19, 2022 1:39 pm

Filthy Fredo

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yes they should all be separate.
It is frustration when someone keep talking about ikemen and "can you fix this for ikemen?" and they post it on mugen contents.
The Ikemen things should be in only the ikemen area until that engine is 100% support mugen 1.1 then i dont care after that but still it is not there yet

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4IKEMEN/MUGEN differentiation Empty Re: IKEMEN/MUGEN differentiation Sun Nov 03, 2024 3:48 am


IKEMEN/MUGEN differentiation GlDVwFc

Yes i agree, as i only know so little about this Ikemen

like is it better than Mugen 1.1b?
can the two be integrated? to make one great engine?

is it easier to create and test on Ikeman compared to Mugen?

is Ikemen the future?

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