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Mugen screenpack Generation Revolution Rev2 (Ikemen OpenGL) by BloodBathAnime ()

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Mugen screenpack Generation Revolution Rev2 (Ikemen OpenGL) by BloodBathAnime () 49240809213_a0332873ca_o
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bLOODBATHaNIME wrote:ABOUT ----  Yall Aint Know About Me Hitting Yall With Another Screenpack, welp here you go. Been slacking in this area ever since my character coding journey has begun so came back to it and i did this in like 7 days tops. That Def Deserves Some likes.

00:00 Intro
00:20 Title Screen
00:44 Menu
01:30 Character Select
02:00 Training & Pause Menu
03:20 Versus Ai
05:22 Stage Port Tutorial
07:34 Outro

Blazblue Assest from GaziraAgain
Melty Blood Assest from DartzPie

╔════Download Mugen Generation Rev.2══════════╗
Download Via Google Drive - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Melty Blood Type Lumina Lifebar Ports Tutorial By @LunarCrescent -    • [MUGEN/IKEMEN Tutorial] MBTL Lifebar ...  
╚══════════Download Mugen Generation Rev.2════╝

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