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2010 - 2022: The Mugen Community in Retrospective?

Filthy Fredo
Vermilion Spy
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2010 - 2022: The Mugen Community in Retrospective? 31033064018_b80c08f405_o
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I only just came back to invlove myself with mugen again recently.
I was right into it baxk in 2010 around the time you guys would have created this forum.
i remember pretty much everything and how it was then, but I want to see if you guys can help me fill in the gaps.

What did I miss?
What are the major changes in the community, what is popular now vs then?
What other milestone happenings in the community are worth mentioning?
Tell me all!



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What did you miss?

Probably the biggest thing would be the release of the Mugen 1.1 Beta version 1 (Mugen 1.1b1) engine in 2013.
But even then i would not necessarily say that you have missed anything despite a large hiatus.
point being that there are still people that only use Mugen 1.0 and even Winmugen to this very day.
ANd there are also mugen fans from the last decade coming back to mugen and rediscovering it every day.
I guess that is the true beauty of mugen - you can simply pick it up and play it then put it down to resume any time without worrying about missing out on anything as there is always new content flourishing.

Also worth mentioning although this isnt the right section for it, there are several new open Mugen clone engines/2D fighting game engines in development hoping to one day replace mugen: one called Ikemen Go which is getting better daily and offers many new features mugen didnt have but it is still in delevlopment.

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Vermilion Spy

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2010 - 2022: The Mugen Community in Retrospective? 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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Constantinius3rd wrote:
What are the major changes in the community, what is popular now vs then?

100 answers depending on who you ask.
Short version is the Mugen community is much more fragmented in a good way now vs how it was 10 years ago.

We have less of a gatekeeper situation where only a handful of mainstream Mugen forums represent the Mecha of Mugen or pose as authority figures.
Mugen communities, much like this one, now thrive in abundance autonomously and are self sufficient in terms of content and fanbase.
There are Mugen communities that are 100% Discord server based with no websites - social media has transformed how we communicate hence forums took a major backseat up until only the last few years, where we are now seeing a resurgence in forum activity.

There are Numerous Mugen Youtube channels and streamers with their own fanbases now.
And most of all there are an entire generation of younger Mugen fans that contrast the older fans in terms of interests and their approach to mugen.
Younger Mugen generation of users (i would say 25 and under) are more into Anime based Mugen content (JUS)
and less focused on Coin-op/Arcade classic Fighting game Mugen content like what you would have been more familiar with 10+ years ago.

I'm skimming alot in terms of addons, innovations, creation quality and preferences but im sure others will fill you in

2010 - 2022: The Mugen Community in Retrospective? 39750191021_f709bd611c_o

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2010 - 2022: The Mugen Community in Retrospective? 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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Vermilion Spy wrote:We have less of a gatekeeper situation where only a handful of mainstream Mugen forums represent the Mecha of Mugen or pose as authority figures.
Mugen communities, much like this one, now thrive in abundance autonomously and are self sufficient in terms of content and fanbase.
Definitely THIS. Mugen is far too big for one group of people to try control now. Ten times better than it used to be back then.

Vermilion Spy wrote:
And most of all there are an entire generation of younger Mugen fans that contrast the older fans in terms of interests and their approach to mugen.
Younger Mugen generation of users (i would say 25 and under) are more into Anime based Mugen content (JUS)
and less focused on Coin-op/Arcade classic Fighting game Mugen content like what you would have been more familiar with 10+ years ago.

I'm skimming alot in terms of addons, innovations, creation quality and preferences but im sure others will fill you in

Well put. That actually really makes sense and is so true.
I kind of already knew felt this was a thing but this is the first time i've actually seen anyone put it into words like this before.
Mugen was still young back then so everyone was similar ages I feel unlike now there is some people who even play mugen with their teenage children who dont even know who NeoGeo characters are or even most old Capcom franchise characters from the console and arcade 30 year olds and older

2010 - 2022: The Mugen Community in Retrospective? FXzcO3r

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Filthy Fredo

Filthy Fredo

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Lots of thing is changed.
Before I think is just Mugen and fighting game fan mostly is play mugen.
Now Mugen is is of interest to artist and designer user like me and my friends.
We are not original Mugen fan but are fan and student of design things so we want to use
design skill in mugen see what we can achieve and is good result.
Maybe you have only small number these type people on your mugen to choose from in those day

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2010 - 2022: The Mugen Community in Retrospective? JABb8Bu
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Wow, thanks guys for all of your informative feedback!
Alot of what you say definitely resonates with how i remember mugen being.
I guess i never thought about how much Mugen is kind of a mirror of what is going on in the fighting game community



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Social Media Amigo
Thats the biggest change in the internet Mugen kkk.
There is alot more chitty chat and a lot less doey do compared to the good ol' days of yesteryear.
We had to figure things out for our selves and put in extra effort trial and error to learn the old mugen ins and outs back then, where as now these young whipper snappers expect the answers on a silver platter hehe. But us old dogs are still mugening like its 2009 here in our secret little corner of the interwebs just how we like it amigo

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ummm one of biggest changes maybe that there are more ghosters (silent members watching not posting) ^^

I think people got alot more shy to speak now compared to the older times maybe?
We actually was talking about thisa topic here if you are interested to know what i am yapping on about^^



2010 - 2022: The Mugen Community in Retrospective? 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
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where to begin?
I'm in a similar boat as you because I returned to the mugen community after a very long hiatus of almost a decade only to find a total fever dream of content far beyond what i was used to, and in a good way i mean.

The possibilities in mugen now with beautiful art and style are so much above what was possible in the old times



2010 - 2022: The Mugen Community in Retrospective? 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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The pros and cons of Mugen then vs now in a nutshell:

- We know alot more than we did then and have better PCS and software/hardware to pretty much make anything and everything we want that we couldnt make before due to restrictions in file sizes and lack of good digital design tools and crappy PCs lol

- FOr the majority, the largest portion of the community has become very complacent and repetitive. Quality standards are pretty low for the most part in the mainstream community and dare I say it there are more FANS that also happen to make Mugen content, than there are ACTUAL creators with actual translatable skills in a discipline/formal education in digital design professions than there were in those good old days.

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2010 - 2022: The Mugen Community in Retrospective? 2GPpdMR
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Phant0mD wrote:The pros and cons of Mugen then vs now in a nutshell:

- We know alot more than we did then and have better PCS and software/hardware to pretty much make anything and everything we want that we couldnt make before due to restrictions in file sizes and lack of good digital design tools and crappy PCs lol

- FOr the majority, the largest portion of the community has become very complacent and repetitive. Quality standards are pretty low for the most part in the mainstream community and dare I say it there are more FANS that also happen to make Mugen content, than there are ACTUAL creators with actual translatable skills in a discipline/formal education in digital design professions than there were in those good old days.

This. A million fucking times this. There's a reason why the Chinese MUGEN community considers 2016-2017 to be the best years of MUGEN, because everything after that was fucking HORRIBLE.

More recolors and reskins, authors are getting more and more on edge due to disrespectful/rude viewers who beg for everything without considering how the author feels, so they privatize their characters only to be insulted by said viewers. It's a vicious cycle.

The MUGEN engine and it's potential has exponentially increased, while the quality of content and the community has exponentially gotten worse, if that makes sense.

That's part of the reason I came to this website: I'm so sick of someone asking me for the nth time "when is *insert character here* getting released" or seeing "MR. KYO'S CLONE GIRLFRIEND?!?!?! MS. KYOKO RELEASE!!!!" or some shit like that.

Filthy Fredo

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oscarlin814 wrote:
Phant0mD wrote:The pros and cons of Mugen then vs now in a nutshell:

- We know alot more than we did then and have better PCS and software/hardware to pretty much make anything and everything we want that we couldnt make before due to restrictions in file sizes and lack of good digital design tools and crappy PCs lol

- FOr the majority, the largest portion of the community has become very complacent and repetitive. Quality standards are pretty low for the most part in the mainstream community and dare I say it there are more FANS that also happen to make Mugen content, than there are ACTUAL creators with actual translatable skills in a discipline/formal education in digital design professions than there were in those good old days.

This. A million fucking times this. There's a reason why the Chinese MUGEN community considers 2016-2017 to be the best years of MUGEN, because everything after that was fucking HORRIBLE.

More recolors and reskins, authors are getting more and more on edge due to disrespectful/rude viewers who beg for everything without considering how the author feels, so they privatize their characters only to be insulted by said viewers. It's a vicious cycle.

The MUGEN engine and it's potential has exponentially increased, while the quality of content and the community has exponentially gotten worse, if that makes sense.

That's part of the reason I came to this website: I'm so sick of someone asking me for the nth time "when is *insert character here* getting released" or seeing "MR. KYO'S CLONE GIRLFRIEND?!?!?! MS. KYOKO RELEASE!!!!" or some shit like that.

yes friend, this is so very true about the community.
The problem with the largest side of the mugen community, is that there are 10000000 fans but only 50 high level good creator in all of mugen making the best contents.
And also, there is too much alking. not enough creating.
This is reason i stopped making the free mugen content.
There is no respect in the community, and the user will just recolor it, and edit it, and change the name of it.
So my firned here told me, smarter way, is only make what people ask for exactly, but they can pay for it.
Then everyone is happy.
So this is the future of high quality mugen in my opinion. Only select few peoples of good human characters and integrity will enjoy the finest things they deserve to enjoy. So we have this excellent newagemugen small community of serious creators of the highest skill level

The Cosmic frog will get you!
2010 - 2022: The Mugen Community in Retrospective? JABb8Bu
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