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Which Mugen website do you use the most?

Filthy Fredo
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1Which Mugen website do you use the most? Empty Which Mugen website do you use the most? Sun Jan 30, 2022 5:54 am



Which Mugen website do you use the most? 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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Here's a curious question guys^^
On my travels looking for some old mugen content i see often quite a few names from here also on othermugen websites sometimes^^
I noticed some people are more active on other websites than they are here, so I was wondering what are your main home websites^^
where you post the most^^
I used to post alot on AK1 and reddit and some Korean Mugen websites but now not so much.
I think I am most active here now really as far as posting repliesVV
So how about you? bow

Filthy Fredo

Filthy Fredo

Which Mugen website do you use the most? 51631106195_34e64106bd_o
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I dont use much mugen website but i do use AndersonKenya website to get some hard to find contents sometime. I used to use the mugen germany site but it become very dead

The Cosmic frog will get you!
Which Mugen website do you use the most? JABb8Bu
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Which Mugen website do you use the most? 52799406974_3658a59cb2_o
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I lurk on most other places but I definitely post here the most because the content is the most engaging to me and suits what im into for mugen haha.
Plus your all a cool bunch and theres no dick heads here everyone is really awesome
I'm not all too big on the feedback thing like many of the other sites because if the releases aren't interesting to me I really don't like them from the start so I'm not going to post feedback anyway lol.

Which Mugen website do you use the most? KwiHzMC



Which Mugen website do you use the most? 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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I'll tell you which one i DON"T use, and that's MugenFreeforall....
That place has gone to the Dogs like what the hell!?
Actually I am going to make a topic about it

Which Mugen website do you use the most? FXzcO3r



Which Mugen website do you use the most? 49240809213_a0332873ca_o
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It depends what I am looking for.
I havent used MFFA in donkeys years.
And I havent visited those older marvel mugen forums in years either like mugen multiverse and Infinity Mugen team.
They seem like the time warp kept them very still for a long time and they didnt really get any bigger or better



Which Mugen website do you use the most? 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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The Mugen website I use the most would be mugen fighters guild.

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