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Felicity氏's Characters

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1Mugen creator Website Felicity氏's Characters Fri Nov 12, 2021 1:45 am



Felicity氏's Characters 42451059065_c5b3f655dd_o
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Felicity氏 is a Japanese character creator, mostly known for their custom MVC-style edits of non-MVC characters and also known for their MVC-mashup/fusion style edits of Touhou characters, such as Hong-Meilong (a fusion between Hong Meiling from Touhou and Feilong from Street Fighter II). All and all, I would say, all of their creations are quite interesting, some a bit more interesting than others, unfortunately... their AI is often lacking, so if you're expecting a challenge, well you're picking the wrong creator for that. Their characters work best when controlled by an actual person, but otherwise, they're solid with the work they do and reliable in the creations they have made.

Unfortunately, not much else about them could be found, so it is much appreciated if the staff could do some digging, but otherwise, they've been active in the community as far back as I believe 2012 possibly even earlier (maybe 2008?) and have stopped making creations sometime around 2016 or 2018, not quite sure.

ANYWHO, let's get to the previews...

As you might notice here, Machi Ayaya (aka Aya_S_Guile) is well... based on Guile from Street Fighter II.

And as I mentioned before... Felicity's characters don't exactly have the best of AI, so obviously, best controlled by an actual person.

Overall though, they've done a lot of fascinating edits, such as this fusion of Captain America and Heart Aino.

Due to all of their links being down because they decided to PURGE their OneDrive link, I have tried my best to collect as much of their stuff as possible, but I am pretty sure I'm still missing a bunch of their Melty Blood edits, and some other edits that just didn't show up for me.

Big shoutout to Disins from the SpriteClub community for helping me collect almost all of their stuff, since unfortunately, someone else who had previously archived all their stuff, decided to be a [CENSORED] and delete it all.

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2Mugen creator Website Re: Felicity氏's Characters Tue Nov 16, 2021 2:31 am



Felicity氏's Characters 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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Felicity is something of a legend. Alot of ppl prolly forgot about him/her contributions. No doubt someone will have some juice to add on this

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