I am interested but I keep hearing that it has alot of teething issues still and that it isnt supporting all of Mugen features yet.
What is the deal
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Last edited by Shakti♥chu<3 on Thu Nov 18, 2021 2:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Shadic12 wrote:I am probably going to wait until Ikemen fully converts all of Mugen 1.1 features including stage and system fit.
SuperWhiskey wrote:If they add support video playback like mp4 or MOV and avi format, its a game changer.
But they really need to fix the cfg so its got all the mugen features in it for window mode
Vermilion Spy likes this post
Shadic12 wrote:SuperWhiskey wrote:If they add support video playback like mp4 or MOV and avi format, its a game changer.
But they really need to fix the cfg so its got all the mugen features in it for window mode
The Developers are open for suggestions for the engine if you post them on this site:
You just have to make a topic in the issue section.
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Thanks for that I didn't know there was a section for this so I just posted the link in this topic.Vermilion Spy wrote:Shadic12 wrote:SuperWhiskey wrote:If they add support video playback like mp4 or MOV and avi format, its a game changer.
But they really need to fix the cfg so its got all the mugen features in it for window mode
The Developers are open for suggestions for the engine if you post them on this site:
You just have to make a topic in the issue section.
I think that it is common knowledge among the mugen community regarding it being open source and having a github for bug reporting.
which is good. Also for those unsure, the main ikemen Go release topic is here in the mugen clone engine release section:
The Ikemen Ultra plus topic is also here:
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Shadic12 likes this post
I agree to that.CancerManXIII wrote:I learned my lesson with Mugen 1.1 when it first came out..
Sometimes its best to wait. let the engine breath.
Let all the bugs iron out.
let all the code junkies and bug testers get geeky intricate on the shit stress testing it.
Then wait and let a whole swarm of mid-range creators make a whole load of average creations for it.
Then eventually we will get a breakthrough template to heavily modify and use as a base like EVE or Legacy and how warzone was for most people 10 years ago if you get my drift.
lots can happen in a year and it can only improve closer to mugen 1.1
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Shadic12 and Crosstag Enjoyer like this post
Slayer wrote:Inputs and stage compatibility needs improving, but if it's for creating or migrating add-ons then you'll have a fun time with the engine.
Any screenpack would have its best version on IKEMEN.
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Filthy Fredo wrote:I haven't seen anything interesting created for it yet to make me want to move from Mugen 1.1.
Also everyone tells me they still missing Mugen 1.1 cfg options for resolution and stage floors have bugs.
Im not so interested in new features yet until they fix the older problems.
Last edited by Shadic12 on Tue Nov 14, 2023 10:03 am; edited 3 times in total
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Shadic12 wrote:It looks like there is a possibility of making 3d stages in IKEMEN GO.
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» I.K.E.M.E.N/MUGEN Clone Engine discussion/WIP showcase Thread » So has anyone transitioned to IKEMEN yet?
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