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Deltarune - Running in the Cyber Field City (Updated 4/6/22)

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Deltarune - Running in the Cyber Field City (Updated 4/6/22) 42197397255_c0a08f615e_o
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Hey everyone, sorry for my absence.

In honour of Deltarune's 3rd anniversary, here's another stage from Scepter and I! Based on Cyber Field City from Deltarune Chapter 2.

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Enjoy, and Happy Halloween!

Download here: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (Updated 4/6/22)

Last edited by ShiroTori on Wed Apr 06, 2022 3:56 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Stage was updated.)

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Deltarune - Running in the Cyber Field City (Updated 4/6/22) 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
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Looks Awesome! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Gives me river city ransom vibes lol Great Job!



Deltarune - Running in the Cyber Field City (Updated 4/6/22) 52117799409_ab650ff4e9_o
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Hey Shirotori great to see you back!
I thought you quit mugen because didnt see you post here much after your stage releases!

Archive section MOds need to move your Download section from the retired section here: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Because this: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Needs to be here: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

To keep the goods all in one spot Twisted Evil

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Deltarune - Running in the Cyber Field City (Updated 4/6/22) RjBqV68
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Done. Moved and restored to active featured artists section

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Deltarune - Running in the Cyber Field City (Updated 4/6/22) 42197397255_c0a08f615e_o
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Thanks guys! Sorry I disappeared again just after releasing this stage, been finishing up my class and getting ready for an internship in January. I hope to be at least a bit more active from here on out!

I updated the stage, it now comes with a version for Mugen 1.0. I also included a preview video in the first post.

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Deltarune - Running in the Cyber Field City (Updated 4/6/22) 52117799409_ab650ff4e9_o
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welcome back, to the stage of history.
Good to hear you have been living life to the fullest

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Deltarune - Running in the Cyber Field City (Updated 4/6/22) 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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This stage looks really cool. Definitely going to have to check this out. I enjoyed your Mirage Saloon and Metallic Madness stages.

Knighted Palettus, maximus the 3rd



Deltarune - Running in the Cyber Field City (Updated 4/6/22) 52799406974_3658a59cb2_o
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it is a very beautiful scene thank you my friend.

Flame mist with the power of lightning ...
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Deltarune - Running in the Cyber Field City (Updated 4/6/22) 42197397255_c0a08f615e_o
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The stage has been updated!

- The Queen now follows the characters as they move from side to side
- The Noel/Dog/Maus chase now moves across the screen instead of staying in one spot
- The floor animation was slowed down
- The "verticalfollow" was adjusted

And thank you for the kind words everyone!

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Filthy Fredo

Filthy Fredo

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ShiroTori wrote:The stage has been updated!
- The Queen now follows the characters as they move from side to side

I am guessing this feature only happens in the IKEMEN version with attachedchar feature?

The Cosmic frog will get you!
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Deltarune - Running in the Cyber Field City (Updated 4/6/22) 42197397255_c0a08f615e_o
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Filthy Fredo wrote:
ShiroTori wrote:The stage has been updated!
- The Queen now follows the characters as they move from side to side

I am guessing this feature only happens in the IKEMEN version with attachedchar feature?

It's actually a trick using the deltas. I haven't really messed around much with IKEMEN, my stages are made predominantly for Mugen 1.0 and 1.1.

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Deltarune - Running in the Cyber Field City (Updated 4/6/22) 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
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quirky but awesome animation stages!
A great share Shitrotori i look forward to more unique colorful ones like this

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