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Chin-Ya's Character Collection

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1Mugen creator Website Chin-Ya's Character Collection Sun Oct 31, 2021 7:21 pm



Chin-Ya's Character Collection 42451059065_c5b3f655dd_o
Kindred Spirit (Silver)
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Chin-Ya is a Japanese content creator, mostly know for a few specific edits, such as "!" which is I believe an edit of Takuma (from King Of Fighters). A lot of his creations vary between being either really tough to fight against or rather odd to fight against, but all and all, his characters are quite delightful and enjoyable to say the least. Sadly, he retired quite a long time ago, and so, his [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] no longer has anything on it, besides a link to his [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (which has MOST of his characters). Fortunately, as someone who became a fan of him, I decided to collect up as much stuff from him as I can, and ended up collecting every single character he has made. Such as...

Not sure why they call him "Goeryu" when his name is "!". (guy on the left)

Also this guy isn't called "Shen K", he's called "Shadow". (guy on the left)

...which you can download all these interesting creations [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]in a nice and neat little package.

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