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3ha's Character Collection

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1Mugen creator Website 3ha's Character Collection Thu Oct 28, 2021 7:17 am



3ha's Character Collection 29630307338_927318ed53_o
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3ha is a Japanese character creator, mostly known for doing some really bizarre edits of known characters, often turning them into other characters or giving them the moveset and style of other characters. Outside of that well...

...the best way to explain what [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] makes is this... all of his characters, are fusions between one or more characters from other games. For example, his Bishamon (which is a character from DarkStalkers/Vampire Savior) mimics the moves of Galford (from Samurai Shodown) and Jin Saotome (from Cyberbots). Overall, all of his characters are excellent to watch and even use, so I suggest, if you're looking for something unique and interesting to try out... why not give 3ha a shot?

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Here's some of his characters to give you an idea of what he creates.

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Shown above (in order) is Sieger (an edit of Neinhalt Sieger + Cyberbots), Fio (an edit of Sentinel + Metal Slug), Zangyura (an edit of Zangief + Godzilla / Rampage), and Hondam/Shadow Sumou (an edit of E. Honda + X-Men: Children of the Atom)

So yeah, I mean... if these two videos don't clue you in, then I'm not sure what will. (also yes, he also made Zangeese, which is well... as the name implies... Zangief + Geese Howard).

Last edited by jo19sh92 on Sun Oct 31, 2021 6:18 pm; edited 4 times in total

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2Mugen creator Website Re: 3ha's Character Collection Fri Oct 29, 2021 9:46 am



3ha's Character Collection 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
Kindred Spirit (Gold)
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I totally forgot about this creator.
Very nostalgic seeing that green godzilla zangief edit and the zangeese one again

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