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Small preview of a sprite animation that i'm working on

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Lou Man

Small preview of a sprite animation that i'm working on 42451059065_c5b3f655dd_o
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Alright, here's a small preview of what I'm currently working on. Idk when I'll be finished. Its pretty basic but eh.

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Small preview of a sprite animation that i'm working on 51240524370_550aa649d1_o
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Looking good thus far

-Metal SK-

-Metal SK-

Small preview of a sprite animation that i'm working on 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
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Lou Man wrote:Alright, here's a small preview of what I'm currently working on. Idk when I'll be finished. Its pretty basic but eh.

the red text is a little hard to read and the moon is not round but i know it is a wip so good luck on the final version Nervous

Small preview of a sprite animation that i'm working on 5a600110_800x600

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