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Someone got Mugen working on a Steam Deck!

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1Someone got Mugen working on a Steam Deck! Empty Someone got Mugen working on a Steam Deck! Sat Jan 28, 2023 10:19 pm



Someone got Mugen working on a Steam Deck! 28356897037_5be1f6146a_o
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Title says it all.
A Mugen Veteran some of you old school mugeners may remember named Alexlexus who was the gouken SFIII creator,
made a video recently showing off a mugen build working in steam deck!
How cool is that?
I might try ask him on youtube to make a tutorial video here for it because i am hyped to be able to do this Dat behind

Someone got Mugen working on a Steam Deck! I2Dg5Fs

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-Metal SK-

-Metal SK-

Someone got Mugen working on a Steam Deck! 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
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oooh thats interesting.
steam deck is quite expensive at the moment but worth it if we can add all emulators to it.
Maybe try ask him for the tutorial is a good idea

Someone got Mugen working on a Steam Deck! 5a600110_800x600



Someone got Mugen working on a Steam Deck! 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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anything under 512gb is a waste of time for steamdeck.
And thats out of stock on the official site

Someone got Mugen working on a Steam Deck! FXzcO3r

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