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The Spider release + Spider-Man game

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1The Spider release + Spider-Man game Empty The Spider release + Spider-Man game Tue Mar 07, 2023 4:07 pm

O Ilusionista

O Ilusionista

The Spider release + Spider-Man game 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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10 years later, I'm updating the character The Spider (an alternate version of Spider-Man, hailing from Earth-15, who merged with the Carnage symbiote) and trying to make him as different as possible from just a red Spider-Man.

Taking this opportunity, I am making available an unofficial version of the game "Spider-Man The Game" by Big Pimp, where I inserted The Spider as a playable character. This character won't be part of that project officially though, it's just a bonus. All credits to the game author :)

===| INFO |===

The Spider by "Spider9696, YoungSamurai5 and O Ilusionista"
Date: 11/04/2013 - 06/03/2023
Version: 1.0
Mugen Version: 1.0+
Char number: 56

===| PREVIEW |===
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===| VIDEO |===

===| DOWNLOAD |===
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Avengers game demo is out: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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