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Kung Fu Man Quest

Filthy Fredo
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1Full Game Kung Fu Man Quest Fri Jan 27, 2023 7:35 pm



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Hi community, I wanted to release this game for quite so long, yet my skills never got to the point that I would like them to in order to share a great game, I just did the best I could. This game is somehow a compilation/edit/original kind of thing, some of the KFM there were to give tribute to all those that created exceptional edits of KFM, and some others I edit just to add to the catalog. The game has its intro, cutscenes, in-game dialog, a soundtrack with many songs from Wizzywhipitwonderful (among other great creators), stages, training options, and much other stuff. I tried my best on making it look as retro (90's Styled as possible) as I could be, and most of the gameplay is based on SF Alpha. Please do not expect anything flashy and perfectly done  =D  I don't want to bother you with words anymore, here are some screenshots from the game:

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You can download it here:

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Here is a video of what you can expect:

Well here it is, I hope you like it.

Last edited by HekuttaSaint on Sun Jan 29, 2023 10:00 pm; edited 2 times in total

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2Full Game Re: Kung Fu Man Quest Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:11 pm

Filthy Fredo

Filthy Fredo

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some demonstration video would also be good for showing it off. The screenshot is very small

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3Full Game Re: Kung Fu Man Quest Sat Jan 28, 2023 6:33 pm



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I will try...

4Full Game Re: Kung Fu Man Quest Sun Jan 29, 2023 7:04 pm



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Filthy Fredo wrote:some demonstration video would also be good for showing it off. The screenshot is very small

Got the video up, thanks for the advice.

5Full Game Re: Kung Fu Man Quest Tue Jan 31, 2023 2:16 am



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this has a very mugen 2005 feel to it especially with the bandicam logo on the video.
if a retro look was the goal of this project then you certainly have achieved it.
good job sir

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6Full Game Re: Kung Fu Man Quest Tue Jan 31, 2023 2:49 am



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Balelynx wrote:this has a very mugen 2005 feel to it especially with the bandicam logo on the video.
if a retro look was the goal of this project then you certainly have achieved it.
good job sir

Indeed it was! You got a great eye! All of it was made to look retro. It was hard not to make things flashier and even HD. I wanted to try a fusion between Capcom 1990s style and Elecbyte style. I added some "clones" that took abilities from major games like SF, MK and KoF.

I always wanted to give KFM a game in which he could finally had a happy ending to his story, yet I wanted to do a game that captured Elecbyte essence, but at the same time, to be entertaining and fun. One of the hardest things to achieve was to give the illusion that you were on the same grounds but different locations, time/weather changes and even add a second character which could give a fresh new approach to the game.

The game is long because I paid tribute to great KFM editions, some of them were made specifically for the game by great talents like N64Mario (aka Shen Long), Duck@ss Farm and a dear friend of mine, Wodash. I made some editions too, add (with the author's permission) some other that were amazing.

The stages began as a way to gain experience, editing the "Temple Stage" with weather and time changes, then around the temple, until I made the whole thing, including "secret areas." The screenpack took a lot of thinking, along with the lifebars, because I wanted to use Elecbyte, yet the screepack was called "M.U.G.E.N." so I had to use the image of the intro to work from there and looked like Street Fighter II. 95% of the music is the hard work of WizzyWhipitWonderful, among other great composers. Belive me when I say that I know for a fact that it doesn't hold the candle to the actual material released nowadays, but you can be sure that it was made with lots of effort, passion and love.

Honestly, thank you so much for your kind words, they really ment a lot, I hope that you enjoy it as much as enjoyed making it. Have a wonderful day!

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7Full Game Re: Kung Fu Man Quest Tue Feb 07, 2023 6:58 am

-Metal SK-

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nowadays most people download mugen compilations and fullgames first, before they learn about how to make their own mugen i think.
But I think you will be like me, and your first experience of mugen, will be on the good ol' winmugen engine, or maybe you are even old enough to remember what ever the one before that was, i think msdosmugen or something like that.
So that means that only the true old fashioned mugen fans will know about that first experience of moving kung fu man around on the kung fu temple stage hehe
I actually thought kungfu girl was cooler heheh

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8Full Game Re: Kung Fu Man Quest Sat Feb 11, 2023 10:33 pm



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That's why it was hard for me to actually apply everything I could do, cuz of the limitations to recreate that nostalgic and old school Elecbyte style. I was seriously considering to leave the original KFM, may be I could actually leave it as a hidden character on the game, with just a few special attacks and hypers. In any case, maybe is time to start working on the sequel.

9Full Game Re: Kung Fu Man Quest Tue Feb 14, 2023 11:49 am



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hey wassup bro! was wondering where u went lol!!

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10Full Game Re: Kung Fu Man Quest Wed Feb 15, 2023 12:19 am



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It was hard to get my life together, yet I finally got my married life together, it ain't easy leaving everything behind to start anew in a new place. It's good to see you brother!

11Full Game Re: Kung Fu Man Quest Sun Sep 03, 2023 9:39 am


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i will test gameplay =D

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