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So I think I found a copycat Newagemugen website...

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So I think I found a copycat Newagemugen website... 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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Maybe I'm overthinking this, but maybe I'm not...I'll let you guys be the judge.
So I was randomly scrolling through Youtube & I stumbled across a video advertising a Mugen forum that seems almost like a blatant copy of Newagemugen...
I'm not going to add the link to avoid any drama, but you can find it easily enough by googling it, and some of you may already know about it anyway.
Lets just say that it specializes in JUS mugen characters.
Anyway back to the point, the style of the website and the presentation, and even the colors they use seem awfully like a copy of Newagemugen.
I also noticed some of the people showcasing it and promoting it are members who used to be associated with Newagemugen but not anymore it seems because I was nosey and saw those members are either retired or don't log on here anymore.
So I guess what I'm asking is A.Does anyone else feel the same vibe I do looking at this community forum or is it just coincidence? and B. Are the people running it still associated with Newagemugen or not? I'd like to hear your thoughts^^



So I think I found a copycat Newagemugen website... 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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Found it. And yes, the site was obviously created by a former Newage forum member. They anonced the opening of the site at Mugenguild,  actually. As far as being a copycat goes, I can see your point of view. But it mostly cuz Newage uses a common format that I've seen on a lot of sites. Although you can't deny the similarities, it's mostly due to the fact that these sites are created from similar if not the same template.

However, there is the issue surrounding how this former member left. That would definitely make you think there may may be more to the similarities than just coincidence...

So I think I found a copycat Newagemugen website... 0hGNWik

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Vermilion Spy

So I think I found a copycat Newagemugen website... 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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Shakti♥chu<3 wrote:
A.Does anyone else feel the same vibe I do looking at this community forum or is it just coincidence?

As @Vegaz_Parelli has pointed out:

Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:it's mostly due to the fact that these sites are created from similar if not the same template.

To be more specific, it is not the template, but the message-board (forum) webformat that is the same.
That message-board uses a free base version of forumotion for web hosting. We use a variant of Forumotion (paid Pro/VIP subscription version) among other things for this website.

That however does not account for presentation similarities because web templates need to be manually configured.
I can't offer any explanation beyond that.
All in all I don't really see any issue per say.

Shakti♥chu<3 wrote:
B. Are the people running it still associated with Newagemugen or not? I'd like to hear your thoughts^^

From what I understand, that community is managed by 2 people.
One, a retired Newagemugen member.
The other until today, I was under the impression is an active cinema network member.
Active members of any of our promotional services do have obligations in exchange for the benefits offered, and we also have an obligation to make things fair for all members working hard to be nominated for promotion. hence it does raise some questions. thanks for pointing this out.

So I think I found a copycat Newagemugen website... 39750191021_f709bd611c_o



So I think I found a copycat Newagemugen website... 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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Lol its very obvious which site you mean but irrelevant lol.
After all, They say imitation is the biggest for of flattery right ole!
The way I look at it is, we should actually be greatful there are more Mugen forums that are new and still active because after discord popped on the scene around 2015, it really raped forum culture big time, and its only since covid that it really rejuvinated.
Hell, We have had more visitors this year than any of the previous 12 years since leaving proforums/ca so thats a big sign of ressurgance. I say let don't worry about what other ppl are doing because there's enough real estate to go around and its all free lol. Just make sure its not your head where the landlord is charging free rent lmao.

So I think I found a copycat Newagemugen website... 39617182812_da9b58ffc9_o

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