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Add an Extra Big Portrait to Screen pack

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Add an Extra Big Portrait to Screen pack  49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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Hello I wanted to know if there is a way to add an Extra big port to my Legacy Screen pack vs Screen. The first thing I did was change the p1.spr = 9000, 1 to p1.spr = 9000, 3 under [VS Screen]:
Add an Extra Big Portrait to Screen pack  T7xNZSi
This is the result in the VS Screen:
Add an Extra Big Portrait to Screen pack  CNr4Ob3
But in the character select screen 9000,1 is there:
Add an Extra Big Portrait to Screen pack  ZncWxjW
My question is how do you get the screenpack to recognize the other big port 9000,3 in the VS Screen.



Add an Extra Big Portrait to Screen pack  31033064018_b80c08f405_o
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oh wait so you are saying you want it so that the portrait on the vs screen is different from the one on the select screen?

Add an Extra Big Portrait to Screen pack  CPi7Pvr



Add an Extra Big Portrait to Screen pack  49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
Kindred Spirit (Gold)
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Constantinius3rd wrote:oh wait so you are saying you want it so that the portrait on the vs screen is different from the one on the select screen?
That is correct but it seems like my question has already been answered when I  posted this on Mugen Discord. It seems like you can only do this method on Ikemen GO since Mugen only has 9000,0 9000,1 and 9000,2 hard coded in the engine.



Add an Extra Big Portrait to Screen pack  52799406974_3658a59cb2_o
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Don't believe everything that Mugen discord noobs tell you bro.
Looks like its working here in Mugen to me:

I've seen this done many times before, just not using the method you mentioned above.
You'll probably need someone to make you a custom template for the trick to work though.

Add an Extra Big Portrait to Screen pack  KwiHzMC



Add an Extra Big Portrait to Screen pack  49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
Kindred Spirit (Gold)
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CancerManXIII wrote:Don't believe everything that Mugen discord noobs tell you bro.
Looks like its working here in Mugen to me:

I've seen this done many times before, just not using the method you mentioned above.
You'll probably need someone to make you a custom template for the trick to work though.

OK after I saw this video that proves to me that there is a method for adding an Extra big port to the VS Screen different from the character select one but in my case I don't know how to do it. I probably do need a custom template for the trick to work thanks for clearing that up.

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