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[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread

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1mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Tue Apr 19, 2022 11:59 am



[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
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I don't usually do this, but I think this calls for an exception.

Above is a video of a stage I've been working on with a good friend of mine, Lasombra Demon. He's making waves in the Ikemen community, and has made a ton of cool stages already. But with this, I think him and I have put together something very cool and unique. This certainly isn't the first interactive stage done, but LD ascertains interactivity has never been used with this level of detail.

Furthermore, this can be used with any character. No code editing, just plug and play. Yes, I know the graphics are not even HD. But I'm nonetheless confident that you'll agree; it's a beautiful stage. And much of its beauty resides in its potential for creating some of the most epic battles. Let's discuss the features:

-Parallax, zoom, deltas and the usual tweaks I incorporate.
-Changes from day to night and back around continuously, including a special moon shadow effect during the night.
-A base form and 3 levels of destruction! The stage be destroyed by level 3 Supers (or level 2 in case of HDBZ chars), or finishing a round with a super move. The destruction implies damage to the ring, building and trees, flames that intensify with each level of destruction (giving out a special shade on characters), and a music change.
The main reason I posted this here is because _I'd like to request for this stage to receive a banner and be showcased on our forum front page_. I've been with Newage for quite some time and I think I've proven that I can represent high quality stage creation, following the example of what Newage is all about.

So I'm asking all who read this to speak up. If you think I've got what it takes to represent this forum, then please leave your thoughts and or suggestions in this thread. I'd also like to thank Grayfox for his suggestions which I've already implemented in the stage so far. If I do receive the banner, Lasombra and I plan to make the Ikemen version a Newage Exclusive. So... What'll it be?

Last edited by Vegaz_Parrelli on Tue Apr 26, 2022 11:37 am; edited 3 times in total

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[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 51240524370_550aa649d1_o
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The Ikemen features are nice. There are some cool interaction things you can do in Ikemen.
The stage itself I feel is too simple and generic compared the usual stuff you guys make,
in that the sprites look like a direct copy and paste from the original dbz game,
but the concept is definitely cool, maybe just keep working on the sprites and this could be a real gem!

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That's a fair assessment. Sprites a mix of different dbz games. They do start out as the original but receive damage. But I'm guessing you mean color, or maybe some other edits. I'll definitely take a look and see how I can improve them.

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4mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Re: [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:32 pm



[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
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This is my little five cents because I saw in thw comments that any feedback appreciated study
Now this is just my personal take, and Im not the best judge of these types of things,
but when I look at a stage I try not to compare to other creations except when there are already similar things or the same creation that exists.
The first thing I thought of seeing the video whas chronostrifes older budokai conversions:
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I felt your stage was very similar to this one, but noticable differences to the sky.
Maybe the sky on your one looks a little pixelated compared to his version?
idk thats just my silly little input hope it helps with your project ;-)

5mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Re: [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Tue Apr 19, 2022 11:16 pm



[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
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That looks good. I like the lighting from the setting sun and purple hue to the sky. I don't remember this one, but he definitely used similar sprites. I like that tho. I'll use this as inspiration. Thanks.

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[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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great input/feedback ladz/ladiez.

I don't have much input to give at this point because I know it's still in early WIP stages.
The video description says "this is the next step in mugen stage creation no brag"
Which is a pretty bold statement so expectations are high!

Got the popcorn ready and cant wait to see this project develop and evolve Twisted Evil
keep the feedback coming ladz, and look forward to the next progress footage

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7mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Re: [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Wed Apr 20, 2022 10:23 am



[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
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Thanks for dropping in, Phantom.

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[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 49240809213_a0332873ca_o
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I'm happy to add my input if it helps the greater good Thumbs Up
I'm also experimenting with Ikemen for  a while now
I started adding downloads to the section here but ive been slack as of recent but also selective because there isn't really an abundance of decent content yet besides a few screenpack conversions and odds and ends

Anyway here goes nothing

Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:Yes, I know the graphics are not even HD. But I'm nonetheless confident that you'll agree; it's a beautiful stage. And much of its beauty resides in its potential for creating some of the most epic battles.

Re: this
if you are going for that traditional budokai sprite style as long as you use OPenGL and process your sprites properly than you can make it scale to HD no problem. Ikemen supports OpenGL aswell so you shouldnt have a problem there

Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:
-Parallax, zoom, deltas and the usual tweaks I incorporate.
-Changes from day to night and back around continuously, including a special moon shadow effect during the night.
-A base form and 3 levels of destruction! The stage be destroyed by level 3 Supers (or level 2 in case of HDBZ chars), or finishing a round with a super move. The destruction implies damage to the ring, building and trees, flames that intensify with each level of destruction (giving out a special shade on characters), and a music change.

I would make 2 versions and list the version specific features.
what are only in the Ikemen version
and what features are only in the Mugen one

Also it may help you improve your project this way
because the better and more impressive your project is without addchar for normal mugen
the better it will be with it added

Other than that idk what else um ill add on what [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] said.
Since other versions already exist that look similar/better in some ways to yours, its an opportunity to rebuild and add what works
remove what doesnt work to improve.
Study similar creations or alternate version by other authors, keep working on the sprites, add what works, remove what doesn't, and think out of the box i guess? and good luck of course Thumbs Up



[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
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I really appreciate the positive feedback, Balelynx. I'm not sure about scaling tho. I also plan on releasing a 1.0, 1.1 and a IkemenGO version. I typically drop separate versions of all my releases unless it's 1.1 only.

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10mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Re: [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Sat Apr 23, 2022 1:44 am



[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 52799406974_3658a59cb2_o
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very interesting, the scenes with interactions give a lot more dynamism and more fun, good luck for the rest of your project my friend.

Flame mist with the power of lightning ...
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11mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Re: [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Sat Apr 23, 2022 9:56 am



[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 52799406974_3658a59cb2_o
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Balelynx wrote:I'm happy to add my input if it helps the greater good Thumbs Up
I'm also experimenting with Ikemen for  a while now
I started adding downloads to the section here but ive been slack as of recent but also selective because there isn't really an abundance of decent content yet besides a few screenpack conversions and odds and ends

Anyway here goes nothing

Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:Yes, I know the graphics are not even HD. But I'm nonetheless confident that you'll agree; it's a beautiful stage. And much of its beauty resides in its potential for creating some of the most epic battles.

Re: this
if you are going for that traditional budokai sprite style as long as you use OPenGL and process your sprites properly than you can make it scale to HD no problem. Ikemen supports OpenGL aswell so you shouldnt have a problem there

I think he's talking about art style of sprites Quote me if i'm wrong.
Stages don't have to have HD graphics to be dope.
Shit, some of the greatest stages of all time were low res hi res sprites.
Look up Beximus,  Ex, mason322 or PhantomGs and Margatroid - the bests that ever did it.
Belus, Emerald Delta, Adrenaline NX, or Exodus train if you want to see what low res and hi res can do.
Also that Trippy 640x480 arizona tea Stage you guys made is in my top 10 of all time Dat behind .

Point being its not about sprites resolution its what you DO with those sprites as a coder and skills as an artist that counts.

As for this DBZ stage feedback wise
Based on the early beta, nothing really jumps out at me yet like the normal fire you guys do.
The ikemen stuff is cool, but making the stage itself attention grabbing at first glance matters most.
I guess its early days though, the bells and whistles are still to come.
I know you guys like to go OP on these stages lol
Keep us posted bro ill be watching this time to time to see your workflow on it

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12mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Re: [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Mon Apr 25, 2022 11:23 am



[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
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lunalucard55 wrote:very interesting, the scenes with interactions give a lot more dynamism and more fun, good luck for the rest of your project my friend.

Thanks a ton! Glad to see you get what I'm going for.

CancerManXIII wrote:
Balelynx wrote:I'm happy to add my input if it helps the greater good Thumbs Up
I'm also experimenting with Ikemen for  a while now
I started adding downloads to the section here but ive been slack as of recent but also selective because there isn't really an abundance of decent content yet besides a few screenpack conversions and odds and ends

Anyway here goes nothing

Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:Yes, I know the graphics are not even HD. But I'm nonetheless confident that you'll agree; it's a beautiful stage. And much of its beauty resides in its potential for creating some of the most epic battles.

Re: this
if you are going for that traditional budokai sprite style as long as you use OPenGL and process your sprites properly than you can make it scale to HD no problem. Ikemen supports OpenGL aswell so you shouldnt have a problem there

I think he's talking about art style of sprites Quote me if i'm wrong.
Stages don't have to have HD graphics to be dope.
Shit, some of the greatest stages of all time were low res hi res sprites.
Look up Beximus,  Ex, mason322 or PhantomGs and Margatroid - the bests that ever did it.
Belus, Emerald Delta, Adrenaline NX, or Exodus train if you want to see what low res and hi res can do.
Also that Trippy 640x480 arizona tea Stage you guys made is in my top 10 of all time Dat behind .

Point being its not about sprites resolution its what you DO with those sprites as a coder and skills as an artist that counts.

As for this DBZ stage feedback wise
Based on the early beta, nothing really jumps out at me yet like the normal fire you guys do.
The ikemen stuff is cool, but making the stage itself attention grabbing at first glance matters most.
I guess its early days though, the bells and whistles are still to come.
I know you guys like to go OP on these stages lol
Keep us posted bro ill be watching this time to time to see your workflow on it

Attention grabbing...I gotcha. I think that last paragraph is probably the general consensus. Thank you very much for your feedback. I think I have a new objective...

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13mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Re: [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Tue Apr 26, 2022 1:58 am



[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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stages in tha kitchen
powder strait drop
moving white like racist
slangin brown like plop
(wrong thread)

14mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Re: [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Tue Apr 26, 2022 11:35 am



[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
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Phant0mD wrote:stages in tha kitchen
powder strait drop
moving white like racist
slangin brown like plop
(wrong thread)

Wrong forum all together! Cheesin

Imma turn this into a WIP thread for anything I feel like sharing before hand. All suggestions are welcome.

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I dropped this a couple years ago and decided to update it. The Gundam walks across and reappears again and so on. I plan on adding flames in the building and maybe smoke in random places.

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15mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Re: [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Fri Apr 29, 2022 7:51 am



[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
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-added smoke and flames throughout stage
-lightened the front tint and added a bit of red
-can slightly zoom in and out
-more height

I'm trying to capture that desolate post-apocalyptic feel on this one. Btw, my goal for any stage that appears hear is for it to be featured with it's own banner. I have more updates and new stage ideas comming your way, so feel free to drop any feedback you've got. Any suggestions guys?

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16mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Re: [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Fri Apr 29, 2022 10:31 am



[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 51240524370_550aa649d1_o
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I like the post apocalyptic wasteland concept.
I remember there was a night time version stage with similar sprites to this one on Winmugen i used to use. I do have some feedback to help:

All buildings are very choppy and terribly rendered around the edges, its very visible even zoomed out.
I would either find a better image or carefully re-render that image to fix them.
The robot in the background has sprites that clash with the rest of your stage.
One image looks like a 2d anime picture and the others look like they might be from a 3d game.

I hope that helps. Keep fighting! Thumbs Up

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17mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Re: [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:16 pm



[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
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Thanks a lot for the great feedback. The robot might be the most difficult to fix. But I think I can fix everything else relatively easy. Keep the feedback coming guys. study

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18mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Re: [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:40 pm



[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
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A quick update. Cleaned the edges of the buildings. Just wanted to gauge the necessary changes needed. I'll address the mech soon.

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19mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Re: [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Sun May 01, 2022 3:13 pm



[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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Ok, saw this was a feedback request:

1.Building edges really poorly cropped. pixellation and transparency bleed needs to be fixed
2.Angle and perspective of center building looks weird and warped
3.Feet water layer standing effect looks weird because water shouldnt be a straight line layer
4.Extremely obvious image is mirrored. Centre image and sides of river bank are symmetrical

If you want more details I could probably draw some circles around the problem areas if you like and post here for you.

I could draw some circles for you on the trouble areas of you wanted from what I can see.
Also that yellow sky is way too saturated.

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20mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Re: [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Mon May 02, 2022 12:41 pm



[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
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SuperWhiskey wrote:Ok, saw this was a feedback request:
1.Building edges really poorly cropped. pixellation and transparency bleed needs to be fixed

I'm having trouble seeing the pixellation you're referring to. I think I understand the "bleed" you're talking about, but I think it helps the buildings blend with the sky. If my point of view isn't correct, I'm open to a more in-depth explanation.

SuperWhiskey wrote:
2.Angle and perspective of center building looks weird and warped

Totally agree. I'll address that.

SuperWhiskey wrote:
3.Feet water layer standing effect looks weird because water shouldnt be a straight line layer

I've had this same view point for a while too. The problem is editing each image of water animation. If it's practical, I'll consider it.

SuperWhiskey wrote:
4.Extremely obvious image is mirrored. Centre image and sides of river bank are symmetrical

I can fix that.

SuperWhiskey wrote:
If you want more details I could probably draw some circles around the problem areas if you like and post here for you.

I could draw some circles for you on the trouble areas of you wanted from what I can see.

This might help. But only to help explain the "pixelation" and "transparency bleeding" you mentioned.

SuperWhiskey wrote:
Also that yellow sky is way too saturated.

It's to depict a solid cloud overcast combined with smoke and debris floating in the air.

That's some good feedback. Feel free to leave more.  In the meatime here's an image of another stage I'm updating.

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I may add more buildings with their own delta and some helicopters flying across the city.

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21mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Re: [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Mon May 02, 2022 9:11 pm



[INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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Good feedback boiz, this reminds me of the old shark tank days of Syn xtreme where if yo shit was wack, snoop dogg threw your mixtape straight into the bin lol! jks but it was really like that lol Frustrated

Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:
SuperWhiskey wrote:Ok, saw this was a feedback request:
1.Building edges really poorly cropped. pixellation and transparency bleed needs to be fixed

I'm having trouble seeing the pixellation you're referring to. I think I understand the "bleed" you're talking about, but I think it helps the buildings blend with the sky. If my point of view isn't correct, I'm open to a more in-depth explanation.

If I may chime in on just this as I pass by since y'all know what your doin.
I can see what you mean regarding the image.
It may nor may not be obvious to you depending on what kind of display you are using, and also I have the curse of a graphic designers eyes by trade lol and i can confirm that those edges are definitely not in the best shape.
On a 1920x1080 monitor you "may" be able to notice the pixellation, but on my end it is indeed clear as day.
If you want to try something - take just that building sprite out, as a png file, and post it here on this thread with a transparent BG and see if you can see it more obviously.
Basically your issue here is how you are diting those sprites or what your tool kit is to render it.
rendering in itself is an artform.
Its not so much a mugen thing as it is a digital artist thing.
Having the skills and practice and also the right tool set to be able to edit images and work with transparency is a skill that can take years to master.
Its not to be taken lightly as I learnt many years ago from my art sensei.
But yeah, it should be clear as night and day that the edges on that are pretty tattered, but again it may be your monitor or resolution preventing you from seeing the issue.
try what i suggested and lets see it it makes it more obvious to you.
You could also try puttin it on a solid white canvas and reposting the image here and see it it highlights the problem more.
Now i must vanish back to my WIPs lads lol time is $$$ Cheesin

22mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Re: [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Thu May 05, 2022 12:50 pm



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Understood. Back to the lab. Here's an update on the city stage.

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It's 720p now. The tower on the left has pulsating lights. I plan on doing that with most of the lights on tops of the buildings as well as a few of the LED billboards and signs.

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23mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Re: [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Tue May 10, 2022 11:32 am



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Update. Added 3 layers of helicopters flying across the sky. The lights on the top of the buildings pulsate as well.

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24mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Re: [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Tue May 10, 2022 10:24 pm



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Shaping up to be a really cool stage. Keep it up!

Knighted Palettus, maximus the 3rd

25mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Re: [INACTIVE]Newage Vegaz: The WIP Thread Wed May 11, 2022 12:47 pm



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HmmmLawnmower wrote:Shaping up to be a really cool stage. Keep it up!

Thanks a lot.

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