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[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140

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[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 42197397255_c0a08f615e_o
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ShadowFox140 reporting. Now this is a project I have been actually working on for a couple of years now. Personal life issues, doubts about the roster and problems with consistency have been clouding my drive to make this mugen that I've always wanted to make. I have decided to start over and remake the roster. This is a starter vid showing the abilities I have given these characters so far.

Filthy Fredo

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[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 51631106195_34e64106bd_o
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First off

- Instant subscribe once i log on to youtube purely for the fact of which BGM track you are using
- combat system and mechanics wise, I have no complaints from what you have shown
- Interesting idea making a heroine edition of Mugen like snk heroines


- Idk how many chars already have been completed but you should aim for a roster of 30 minimum
- if you havent edited all the characters you should just add the unedited POTs versions of the ones you want to the char folder
that you want to edit in future so you can start building the screenpack
- Make the game tag based using the add004 plugin and NOT unotag because trust me its messy
- Poison should be a hidden boss because we dunno still if shes a drag queen or not (lol jks)



[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 42197397255_c0a08f615e_o
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I thank you for your feedback, Filthy Fredo. I'm not sure how many characters are gonna be in the mugen just yet but a good 30-ish doesn't sound so bad. Tag wise, though I am comfortable with the add004 patch, it's kinda hit and miss depending on what version of the mugen characters are being used but I am still thinking about it. I do have a screenpack for this game, made by Milt Jr. Though I am eternally grateful for what he made for me, I would like to have an upgraded one but I don't know who to ask for one yet. I am going to arrange the char folder to see who is gonna be in it soon. I've been postponing this project for a long time now and I'm doing my best to keep at it. Wish me luck.



[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 42197397255_c0a08f615e_o
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Here is another update vid. I want to really work on this so this is a way of confirmation.



[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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Looking good shadowfox.
Design-wise, what sort of aesthetic are you goin 4?
Also what resolution tou gonna make it for?
From what im seeing my guess is either 854x480 or 1280x720

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[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 42197397255_c0a08f615e_o
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I'm thinking 1280x720 as for a screenpack, I'd like it to be similar to what they did for darkstalkers vs street fighter but I don't know who to ask for that yet. Perhaps you know someone...?



[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 52117799409_ab650ff4e9_o
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Weeell hellooo there lol.
Did i hear someone mention a fullgame project?
I'd be interested to get my hands a little dirty if there's something you have on your mind.

Let the brainstorming begin!

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Vermilion Spy

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[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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I think its an great idea. As far as progressing your game. As has been mentioned, there are plenty of us here that would be happy to help with your project but as it is a fullgame, confirming your roster and adding it into a pre-existing screenpack that is similar to the style you want to use would be the best way to start

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[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 42197397255_c0a08f615e_o
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Someone made me a screenpack and that's what I'm using right now but for an upgraded one, I still have to think of one. For now, I'd to have an official logo for it to start off.



[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 52117799409_ab650ff4e9_o
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hmmm...I am envisioning something to do with a planet, because of the word venus haha. but also something not TOO feminine, but not TOO masculine. Similar to SNK Heroines logo but at the same time totally nothing like it haha.

If you get what i mean. I am thinking something quite flashy but involving perhaps a glowing venus planet type orb, with a fist, or flames, or idk, maybe something that represents some of the main characters in the roster? Since Ingrid is in the game, she seems like a good potential mascot

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[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 42197397255_c0a08f615e_o
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Ooohhh, that's sounds nice, very nice. I'm not sure about the main character for this mugen yet but I'm somehow seeing Ingrid in it, too......something tells me she would fit in the logo.......The planet orb idea sounds VERY interesting......I like it. If the logo looked like that, I'd do back flips....not physically but in my mind lol



[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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I would do physical backflips and mental backflips personally Cheesin

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[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 42197397255_c0a08f615e_o
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At long last a good version of this character. Race Akira, you're my hero!!!!



[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 42197397255_c0a08f615e_o
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[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 52117799409_ab650ff4e9_o
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Looking good looking gooood. I like the blue mary cancels especially

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[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 42197397255_c0a08f615e_o
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[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 42197397255_c0a08f615e_o
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I'm currently trying to make a story for my mugen and this is what I came up with so far.



[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 42197397255_c0a08f615e_o
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[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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This is coming together quite well.
the stage selection is on point,
The roster so far is on point,
Now we just need some aesthetic swag on the screenpack to spice it up

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[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 42197397255_c0a08f615e_o
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I actually tried to put the add004 tag patch on my screenpack but after so many attempts I haven't been successful. I don't know if I'm forgetting to do something or the one I'm trying to patch up isn't compatible which is why I require a mugen 1.1 screenpack. If I knew how to make these myself I would but unfortunately, I only know but so much so that is why I'm using the one you saw. At least the characters are just the way I want them now. I'm going to keep at this until full completion.



[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 RjBqV68
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Which part in particular was not working with the tag patch?

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[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 42197397255_c0a08f615e_o
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That's the thing, I really can't say. I put all the add004 stuff in the main file, I went to the "fight' file and changed that, and nothing. I must be missing something but I don't know what that is. It's confusing, actually.



[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 RjBqV68
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I'm sure someone here may be able to help with it. As I recall, the patch included needs to be applied to each character individually for the tag and extra fight screen functions to work

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Vermilion Spy

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[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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you have to be careful how you set it up because the way it works is via batch files lining to the relevant folders and patches.
You also have to make sure the add004pie patch has been applied to all the characters correctly, and that you are using the correct batch file to load mugen

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[INACTIVE/DEAD WIP]The Brawl Of Venus By Shadowfox140 42197397255_c0a08f615e_o
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