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The Ukraine-Russia Conflict

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1The Ukraine-Russia Conflict Empty The Ukraine-Russia Conflict Thu Mar 17, 2022 9:55 am



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I don't think there is any need to explain the topic as we all should be aware of it to some extent.
Depending on what country you are in and what the political agenda of your country and media is, you may have a different understanding of what is happening and why.
But one thing we know for sure is that over a million innocent Ukranian people have been forced to leave their homeland, and many innocent people have lost their lives.
What are your thoughts for the future of Ukraine, Russia, Europe and possibly the world?
Also, what is all of your knowledge of Eastern European/slavic history and former soviet union countries?
Will China become involved in the conflict and support Russia if the Western countries and NATO continue to involve themselves in the conflict?
Is the actions of Vladimir Putin justified due to the threat from western powers to his country since the cold war?
Or is he a power hungry corrupt head of state like the media in western countries portray him?
Let's talk about it.

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The Ukraine-Russia Conflict WEOuZsG

2The Ukraine-Russia Conflict Empty Re: The Ukraine-Russia Conflict Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:53 am



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War isn't good for anyone and there's no real winners
But it is unfortunately necessary and it's inevitable.
As far as this RUssia Ukraine business goes, I dont know enough of the history to have an opinion on right and wrong, except that im sure its always more than what the news makes it out to be and at the same time less than what the news makes it out to be.
It is pretty wild that this is happening in Europe in 2022 though.
Normally this stuff you only think of happening in the Middle east or some congo place in Africa.

The Ukraine-Russia Conflict KwiHzMC

3The Ukraine-Russia Conflict Empty Re: The Ukraine-Russia Conflict Sat Mar 26, 2022 5:41 am

Filthy Fredo

Filthy Fredo

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It is big issue for European country.
because we always have some fear that Russia is want to expand control in Europe as no1 superpower.
Finland Norway and the country on border is most worry now especially if Ukraine is lost to Russia

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4The Ukraine-Russia Conflict Empty Re: The Ukraine-Russia Conflict Thu May 12, 2022 6:59 am



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I really haven't been following the War in Ukraine.
I don't really have the stomach for Wartime media. Watching buildings get destroyed and people having to leave their homes that are not involved in the conflict is too hard to watch for me sorry.
The only lesson I think can be learned from a conflict like this is that no country is free from the threat of war anymore, especially modern day Europe

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