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How much time do you all spend doing Mugen?

Vermilion Spy
Filthy Fredo
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I always wondered how much time everyone spends on mugen on average by week, month or eveb year.
Mugen is very time consuming whether it is adding new characters and stages, or fixing and editing to our liking.
Also there is a big social part of mugen now with discords and other websites so there's that too.
So how much time on average a week do you all spend on it?

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How much time do you all spend doing Mugen? WEOuZsG

Filthy Fredo

Filthy Fredo

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i dont know it will depend if I am making some content for myself or for other persons.
If it is for other persons then it is maybe much longer maybe every day.
If it is for myself it will be always different.
I used to spend more time in mugen before I finish my studies and have more time.

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I think most y'all that I work closely with here already know this since forever ago that i pretty much work to a strict time constricted schedule lol.
My overall limit for any type of geeking be it video gamez, graphic design or mugen - is atleast one hour per day/5 hours a week and only on weekdays after work/gym/chores at end of night before bed.
Weekends are off limits as far as geek shit goes for me lol. Gotta keep that life balance and go smell the roses ya know what i mean?
If any y'all have a GF I'm sure you can relate to the fact that girls fkn hate this shit lol.
Coz it takes attn away from them as it really is a solo gig with no time for distractions - pure mancaving and concentration is a must lol.
But If I'm doing commission based work to a deadline for Graphic design or or Mugen then I may over extend that time of course but it will moreso be i'll skip a gym session to blast something out for a dude and make up for it on the weekend.

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Not as much as I would like to.
And it depends. Mostly weekends if I have a spare moment i pull out my build and and a few things here and there.
Like having that old car in the garage you never have road worthy but are always talking about the day it will burn rubber Frustrated

How much time do you all spend doing Mugen? FXzcO3r



How much time do you all spend doing Mugen? 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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On average I'd say about 3 hours a day. Sometimes more. Sometimes less. Weekdays only. But I do stay on the social media side on weekends. Checking in sporadically. It should also be noted that any content testing or cresting I do is at work. I've been fortunate enough that every job I've had since 2009 has allowed me to do so.

Priorities. How much time do you all spend doing Mugen? 1f60e

How much time do you all spend doing Mugen? 0hGNWik

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Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:On average I'd say about 3 hours a day. Sometimes more. Sometimes less. Weekdays only. But I do stay on the social media side on weekends. Checking in sporadically. It should also be noted that any content testing or cresting I do is at work. I've been fortunate enough that every job I've had since 2009 has allowed me to do so.

Priorities. How much time do you all spend doing Mugen? 1f60e

3 hours a day!!!? thats crazy!
You must make alot of mugen stuff with all that time available, I wish I had that sort of rime to put on it but I'm more of a weekend Mugen tamperer myself. i only recently got back into after almost a decade and I can see how much I missed.
Ive been spending a couple hours a week browsing and looking at some cool creators work (mostly from you guys tbh)
Its amazing the community is thriving so well still and so much content I can spend probably 3 hours just downloading things at this rate!



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MagistusMoon wrote:
Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:On average I'd say about 3 hours a day. Sometimes more. Sometimes less. Weekdays only. But I do stay on the social media side on weekends. Checking in sporadically. It should also be noted that any content testing or cresting I do is at work. I've been fortunate enough that every job I've had since 2009 has allowed me to do so.

Priorities. How much time do you all spend doing Mugen? 1f60e

3 hours a day!!!? thats crazy!
You must make alot of mugen stuff with all that time available, I wish I had that sort of rime to put on it but I'm more of a weekend Mugen tamperer myself. i only recently got back into after almost a decade and I can see how much I missed.
Ive been spending a couple hours a week browsing and looking at some cool creators work (mostly from you guys tbh)
Its amazing the community is thriving so well still and so much content I can spend probably 3 hours just downloading things at this rate!

Yeah. I crank em out bruh.

How much time do you all spend doing Mugen? 0hGNWik

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Vermilion Spy

Vermilion Spy

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It varies.

Probably nothing extreme like you guys with 3 hours a day and such, as real life got really bust for me after 2018 but now days probably considerably less, maybe a few hours every other week and far in between.

I spend most my time curating, collecting and researching past and present creators, which is what I came here to help out Zu and D with originally and it's my real passion to document the history of mugen as opposed to create alot hands-on, but I am quite active on other sites mainly in help sections or reasearching



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woah you guys are doin mugen like that!?
I don't think i could be that enthusiastic to clock in that much time
15 hours is pretty insane in a week man, what do you do with all that time?
Im probably like a couple of hours here and there but i might not do any mugen stuff for like a week or 2 then come back and spend a week checkin in every other day, then gone again for a month ahah. that kind of consistency

How much time do you all spend doing Mugen? KwiHzMC



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Not as much as I would like. I work too much lol.

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technine666 wrote:Not as much as I would like. I work too much lol.

Me too buddy, me too.
I'm pretty sure I look at it and watch fights more than i do actually play it.
Youtube recommended videos based on my subscriptions keep me well up to date with things I long to download and try out but never get around to having a go with

How much time do you all spend doing Mugen? CPi7Pvr



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Last week I clocked thirteen hours working on a passion project.
Starting this week so for five. Readjusting codes and redoing
audio files and extending beyond limits is a balancing act.
Type a little save fire up Mugen check escape adjust if needed
or reset if screwed up.

Yes you see the smile but don't be alarmed
I only smile when I am around friends!

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