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What's your favorite Animal and why?

Vermilion Spy
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1What's your favorite Animal and why? Empty What's your favorite Animal and why? Thu Feb 10, 2022 4:39 am



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I'm just trying to be more social so i may post nonsense topics here so feel free to reply.
My favorite animal is probably a FOx or a dog.
The fox is cunning, and the DOg is 2x cunning if it wants to catch a fox GT KERMIT

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2What's your favorite Animal and why? Empty Re: What's your favorite Animal and why? Thu Feb 10, 2022 7:34 am

Vermilion Spy

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Vermillion Bird (even though fictional) so the next pick would be peacock for its beauty and uniqueness

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3What's your favorite Animal and why? Empty Re: What's your favorite Animal and why? Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:49 am



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The Quetzal. Is a mystical and enigmatic bird, kind of a symbol of the Mayan culture. Is a beautiful bird once thought to be extinct.

4What's your favorite Animal and why? Empty Re: What's your favorite Animal and why? Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:45 pm



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HekuttaSaint wrote:The Quetzal. Is a mystical and enigmatic bird, kind of a symbol of the Mayan culture. Is a beautiful bird once thought to be extinct.

I've heard of it - it has been in final fantasy VIII as one of the GF summon beasts lol
What's your favorite Animal and why? Quetzalcoatl_0

My personal favorite is the Cassowary.
It is my all time favorite animal
What's your favorite Animal and why? Animals_hero_cassowary

It is known as the worlds most dangerous bird lol!
It is one of the closest living relatives to the dinosaur and has some amazing special abilities such as:

- It can run 31 miles per hour
- It has an armored plate blade on its head
- they can grow over 60kg in body weight and over 6ft tall
- It is the second heaviest bird in the world to the ostrich.
- It has massive claws used for hunting and fighting which grow up to 12cm and it can disembowel a human with one kick
- It is the third tallest bird in the world to the ostrich (#1) and the emu (#2).
- The cassowary egg is the third largest of all birds at about 584g.

What's your favorite Animal and why? 39617182812_da9b58ffc9_o

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5What's your favorite Animal and why? Empty Re: What's your favorite Animal and why? Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:55 pm



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Phant0mD wrote:
HekuttaSaint wrote:The Quetzal. Is a mystical and enigmatic bird, kind of a symbol of the Mayan culture. Is a beautiful bird once thought to be extinct.

I've heard of it - it has been in final fantasy VIII as one of the GF summon beasts lol
What's your favorite Animal and why? Quetzalcoatl_0

Wow I didn't know it was used as a beast. I guess even Quetzales can be "upgraded." 🤣

Also, the cassowary looks as if it was a survivor of the
Cretaceous era. That should have been the bird used in FF8 instead of a small bird like the Quetzal.

6What's your favorite Animal and why? Empty Re: What's your favorite Animal and why? Thu Mar 03, 2022 11:01 pm

Filthy Fredo

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Frogs and reptiles. dont ask me why i just like frogs kermit GT KERMIT

The Cosmic frog will get you!
What's your favorite Animal and why? JABb8Bu
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7What's your favorite Animal and why? Empty Re: What's your favorite Animal and why? Sat Mar 05, 2022 2:07 pm



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cats, these little balls of fur that meow are really adorable.

Flame mist with the power of lightning ...
What's your favorite Animal and why? Unname10

8What's your favorite Animal and why? Empty Re: What's your favorite Animal and why? Sun Mar 06, 2022 2:26 pm



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I've always been fond of vultures. I just really like the idea of them. Ugly birds, waiting patiently, doing their own thing. Seems almost peaceful.

Knighted Palettus, maximus the 3rd

9What's your favorite Animal and why? Empty Re: What's your favorite Animal and why? Tue Mar 08, 2022 1:01 am



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HmmmLawnmower wrote:I've always been fond of vultures. I just really like the idea of them. Ugly birds, waiting patiently, doing their own thing. Seems almost peaceful.

Google "Tibetan Sky Burial" and you will rethink the peaceful aspect Cheesin

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10What's your favorite Animal and why? Empty Re: What's your favorite Animal and why? Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:56 pm



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I used to have a pet angora rabbit, so I would say Rabbits, but to be honest im torn between cats, and maybe Big cats like Panthers and white tigers. I find all wild cats to be beautiful

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