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Shinobi Striker MUGEN

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1Full Game Shinobi Striker MUGEN Fri Feb 04, 2022 11:08 pm


Shinobi Striker MUGEN SPOGNVp
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Guys, I bring you today my first Naruto mugen game ''Shinobi Striker Mugen'' , it contains 226 characters from different versions (I tried to make it as complete as possible) so it will have NZC JUS style characters among others, I also corrected the size of the characters so that it is not disproportionate.

IMPORTANT: The strength of the characters was based on the anime, that is... Example: It will be harder for you to use naruto as a child and beat madara.

I left the game in window format and it is in directX.
Please leave your feedback ❤ And if you like it, share it with your friends.

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2Full Game Re: Shinobi Striker MUGEN Sat Feb 05, 2022 4:08 am



Shinobi Striker MUGEN RjBqV68
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Please post in the correct section next time. you posted this in the gamin section not the mugen release section

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