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The Dead Internet Theory and why its more possibly real than you think

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The Dead Internet Theory and why its more possibly real than you think 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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So in the holidays me and my friends were sitting around in the good old campfire talking about nonsense
then one of my friends told me about the Dead Internet theory.
At first i thought it sounded nonsense until i started looking into it.
Then i started to think about my own experience and some strange things i started to realize.
So before I say anymore,please just take some time on your break to sit down and watch this video because its interesting.

But in a summary of What is the dead Internet theory, it is a theory that for the last 10 or more years Artificial Intelligence has been making fake content and fake websites which now make up a big part of all the internet.

But I am explaining it really lazy so please watch video and tell me what you think.

The Dead Internet Theory and why its more possibly real than you think FXzcO3r



The Dead Internet Theory and why its more possibly real than you think 52117799409_ab650ff4e9_o
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That's definitely creepy amigo, and very interesting!
One thing i noticed myself is when you google a video or an image, and then you keep scrolling search pages to look at the results, the website urls and the appearance of the websites that show hits of the stuff you are looking for get stranger and stranger to the point the websites themselves dont even make sense and are sometimes just a website with copy pasted data from like other random sites



The Dead Internet Theory and why its more possibly real than you think 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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Theres a 50/50 mix of truth and bullshit with the dead internet theory lol.

One thing that is true and can be looked up, is that there are definitely deep learning algorithms that use "BIG DATA" (if you never heard that phrase, look it up) to generate content to fit an agenda or shape a political opinion.

The Dead Internet Theory and why its more possibly real than you think 39617182812_da9b58ffc9_o

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