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Mugen Creations By NoZ/NoZferatu/8xxNoZxx8

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Vermilion Spy

Vermilion Spy

Mugen Creations By NoZ/NoZferatu/8xxNoZxx8 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
卍♆★Divine Overseer★♆卍
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Newagemugen Member for Over 7 Years

Noz's Mugen Creations
Mugen Creations By NoZ/NoZferatu/8xxNoZxx8 DoSFqBQ
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Mugen Creations By NoZ/NoZferatu/8xxNoZxx8 5A52M9AMugen Creations By NoZ/NoZferatu/8xxNoZxx8 3Ek22xY

Not really needing an introduction, NoZ/NoZferatu/8xxNoZxx8 is a veteran Mugen creator and former member of PhantomG's, Club Syndicate, and Newagemugen. He is best known for his Warzone screenpack, Legacy screenpack, EOF screenpack, and many others. He has been active within the Mugen community since atleast 2008. His screenpacks, stages and lifebars represent the quality standards set by members of the aforementioned creator groups and continue to set the benchmark on quality in mugen to this day.

Mugen Creations By NoZ/NoZferatu/8xxNoZxx8 VVekOCeMugen Creations By NoZ/NoZferatu/8xxNoZxx8 VPI3qfmMugen Creations By NoZ/NoZferatu/8xxNoZxx8 XirQETy

Mugen Creations By NoZ/NoZferatu/8xxNoZxx8 Wdj1hPi
As of 2020, Noz is still working on his Sequel to the 2012 screenpack "Warzone", logically entitled War2one AKA Warzone 2.

Check out the full Noz creation collection in our featured artists section here
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Mugen Creations By NoZ/NoZferatu/8xxNoZxx8 39750191021_f709bd611c_o

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