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Kenshiro99's Creations & Youtube Channel

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1Mugen Creator/Youtuber Kenshiro99's Creations & Youtube Channel Mon Jan 06, 2020 4:36 pm

Vermilion Spy

Vermilion Spy

Kenshiro99's Creations & Youtube Channel 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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Kenshiro99's Creations
Kenshiro99's Creations & Youtube Channel AGF-l7_gLo0-DMkdYY6YxS-O7fRfBMS1kIwz37XzAg=s288-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo
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Kenshiro99 AKA Sunabouzu11 is a Mugen character and fullgame creator. He is best known for his Fullgame project "Dragon Ball Z vs One Piece". He has been active within the mugen scene since atleast 2016.

Kenshiro99's Creations & Youtube Channel KWtZYcE

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Kenshiro99's Creations & Youtube Channel 39750191021_f709bd611c_o

Vermilion Spy

Vermilion Spy

Kenshiro99's Creations & Youtube Channel 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
卍♆★Divine Overseer★♆卍
Verified Senior Forum support/assistant/curator
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Taunting The Devil (Gold)
Newagemugen Member for Over 7 Years

Finally he arrived, ready to destroy all his targets: CYBER RYU !!![/align]

Kenshiro99's Creations & Youtube Channel PZmizi7

An original char made in partnership with Ramon Garcia. With Ryu training and the cybernetic parts provided by ShadowLaw, Cyber Ryu comes as a nightmare for all those who dare to get in their way, with a variety of attacks that make the most diverse combos, it promises to provide fun to the player that control it.

Along with the char is your stage and your own theme song created by AVPBOY 6754 that was fantastic, complementing this char even more


Basic Moves
Super Jump: D, U or 3 Kicks [Only "U" after you hit a launcher]
Dash/Hop Backward/Air Dash: FF/BB
Advancing Guard: 2 PUNCHES in Guard

Unique Moves
Dash Elbow: in Run, press strong punch
Rocket Arm: during strong punch and crouching strong punch, press strong punch
Heavy Press: In Air, D + strong kick
Colarbone break: F + medium punch
Senpukyaku: F + medium kick
Flight: D, D + strong kick ( AIr OK )

Supers Moves
Hadouken: D, DF, F + punch ( AIR OK )( hold button to Sen Hadouken )
Shoryuken: F, D, DF + punch ( AIr OK )( press button again to Sen SHoryuken )
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku:  D, DB, B + kick ( Air OK )
Dive Kick: D, DF, F + kick ( Air Only )
Teleport: F, D, DF + kick or B, D, DB + kick

Hyper moves
Shinku Hadouken: D, DF, F 2 Punches ( AIr OK )
Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: D, DB, B 2 kickes
Shinryu Ken: D, DF, F 2 kickes
Shin Shoryuken: D, DB, B 2 punches ( LV3 )
Shun Goku Satsu: light punch, light punch, F, Light kick, strong punch ( LV3 )[/align]

I hope you like it and have a great fun...

Kenshiro99's Creations & Youtube Channel F5AGO0t


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Kenshiro99's Creations & Youtube Channel 39750191021_f709bd611c_o

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