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- Authors Notes:
- Hello again, here in my Country is the day of the Death, i wanted to share something nice for everyone today, this stage is completely of my authory, rather than a edit as i usually do on this style... it was hard, and i am pretty sure Tatsu would have done it a thousand times better, but at least this is just my way to say thanks to his way to create, it's exquisite... Let me know what you guys think.
This stage is intended to be a shared one for Goenitz and Jedah alike, but you can use it any way you want.
THANKS to: "God, My Family, My Friends, and YOU ('F Course...)".
SPECIAL THANKS to: "SNK, Capcom, Tatsu/Shiyo Kakuge for inspiration, all of you, i guess..."
Compatible to: MUGEN 1.1 and (I think) 1.0
Animated: You... have... no... idea... how... fricking... much.
Respect your loved ones, honor the ones that are not with you anymore.
Suggested tracks for the stage:
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