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- authors notes:
- Well... this is one little step for my next phase as an author, this is a Final Boss stage... one that i will use for a character i might get myself into very soon, Wizzy made the beautiful gesture to create a song for him and the stage, the story behind this Horror will be uploaded very soon on my channel, even so... i'd like the World to use it for their own imaginative purposes too, have fun with it.
This gatherment consists on this treasures of the Multiverse:
- The Lantern Corps (DC)
- The Infinity Gems (Marvel)
- The Demon's Crests (Capcom)
- The Three Sacred Treasures (SNK)
- The Seven Star Pieces (Nintendo)
- The Chaos Emeralds (SEGA)
And of course, in the middle:
- Nihilsm, main villian of the MUGEN crossover, created by me (Yeah, the guy seated in the Throne)
Exploit your imagination to calculate how dangerous my character will be.
THANKS to: "God, always God... and every single Human beign on the Planet, because all of you are my brothers".
SPECIAL THANKS to: "Swagga Kings, since he is the only person that saw it's progress and he suggested me many details too".
Compatible to: MUGEN 1.1 and (Maybe) 1.0
Animated: Absurdly full of it, you can be sure about it.
Download link:
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