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Mugen Forbes List Guidelines

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1Mugen Forbes List Guidelines Empty Mugen Forbes List Guidelines Sun Oct 14, 2018 9:52 pm



Mugen Forbes List Guidelines RjBqV68
卍♆★Divine Overseer★♆卍
Verified Senior Forum support/assistant/curator
The Greatest Showman (Platinum)
Created 40 or more Unique Topics
Survivor (Platinum)
Survived 6 Inactive Account Auto-purges
Lord Of War (Gold)
Obtained The Highest Tier 3 Warlord Class Rank
Idol Master (Gold)
Recieved 40 or more likes from other Members
Kindred Spirit (Gold)
Liked 30 Forum posts

Mugen Forbes List Guidelines SSb5NXM
The Mugen Forbes list is the brainchild of a select group of Mugen veterans with over 2 decades of Mugen experience, and our content enthusiasts and staff here at Newagemugen.

The goal of the Mugen Forbes list, is to compile an unbiased Mugen creator hall of fame containing the most respected, influential, and noteworthy creators in the mugen community.
Generally speaking, Mugen Forbes List members will mostly be Veteran Authors that have been actively contributing decent, popular content over many, many years,
however this is not an absolute requirement.
Mugen Forbes list members are voted on and elected based on 5 core attributes. Those attributes are as follows :

  • Authors of exceptionally source accurate content.
  • Authors of exceptionally well coded, functional, playable content
  • Authors that are innovators and influential figures well known for introducing new elements to the mugen community
  • Authors known for consistently releasing a high volume of quality mugen content
  • Authors of extremely popular content within the mugen community: ie, fan favorites

If you would like to nominate an author to the Forbes list, please contact us via the voting thread at the link below

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Needless to say, only elected creators can be added to the Mugen Forbes list. All general forum * posting rules apply here, and only the Forbes list moderator can edit or modify this thread.

Mugen Forbes List Guidelines 37790345872_ebfeb58d10_o

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