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We're The Best At What We Do - Runnin' The Mugen Underground Since 2010. Underground M.U.G.E.N community specializing in advanced Quality Mugen content, Fanart, Graphics, Fighting Games & more.
Posts : 850 Reputation : 44 Join date : 2018-01-16
Old background, reworked for 1.1
-resolution 850x480 (Wide screen) -3D -Animated: Intro + The nuke
DL: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Warning: File size was reduced to only half from the first version, but still is a big stage (it uses the pre-rendered 3D method), doesn't seem to give me any troubles despite this. Decided to leave most of the sprites indexed to not increase it any further, so it works without OpenGL for the most part.