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The Schnee Mansion (RWBY) By DarkSauce (02.06.18) (Offline link Reuploaded 04.03.22)

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Vermilion Spy

Vermilion Spy

The Schnee Mansion (RWBY) By DarkSauce (02.06.18) (Offline link Reuploaded 04.03.22) 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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AUTHOR NOTES:Improved an old one with zoom, and a bit of edit and cleaning.

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The Schnee Mansion (RWBY) By DarkSauce (02.06.18) (Offline link Reuploaded 04.03.22) Wcz4RWt
Death Note (Wood)
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was there multiple versions of this I don't remember the sets of armor.



The Schnee Mansion (RWBY) By DarkSauce (02.06.18) (Offline link Reuploaded 04.03.22) GlDVwFc
Survivor (Gold)
Survived 3 Inactive Account Auto-purges

I need to ask permission on Google Drive to download the stage. I don't like that Thumb down
I'ts a shame. I really wanted to download this.

Vermilion Spy

Vermilion Spy

The Schnee Mansion (RWBY) By DarkSauce (02.06.18) (Offline link Reuploaded 04.03.22) 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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Dróttinnson wrote:I need to ask permission on Google Drive to download the stage. I don't like that Thumb down
I'ts a shame. I really wanted to download this.

That issue was the due to the original author deleting/removing his google drive or maybe some privacy setting. It happens sometimes to older links. In this case, this one is 4 years old and it seems all his works are offline now.

Link Reuploaded to our Backup Mediafire Folder and updated in main description. You can download it now.

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