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Southtown (640x480)

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11.0/older HR SP Southtown (640x480) Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:56 pm



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Southtown (640x480) Mugen005s

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Southtown (640x480) Mugen007b

Southtown (640x480) Mugen008n




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What up, ya'll?! Got something special for ya. This is a screenpack based on the ficional city of Southtown, where Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting took place. It's got alot of goodies. The screenpack has an intro, title, select, vs, victory and options screens. The select theme was mixed by yours truly.

The lifebars are low-res bars I converted to 640x480, and slightly alltered. The "strike" font is my own, as the original lifebars didn't have a hit counter. Yea, that's old school...

It also comes with the 8 original stages from Fatal Fury 1 for the SNES, all of which have custom bgm's and slight modifications to the stages. It also has the 8 original stages from Art of Fighting 1 for the SNES, which also have custom bgm's and minor adjustments. All coding done by me.

It uses custom ports. The ports for all the characters seen in the select screenshot are included with this download along with a "Big Port Template." The small port is a 26x26 square pcx, so you won't need a template for that.

I'd like to thank Fred for creating the original screenpack and the arcade version of "Downtown" that I borrowed fonts, sprites and inspiration from. Also I'd like to thank MarkPachi and Alpyne_D for their feedback. I gotta thank Davias at Spriters Resource for all the original stage sprites.

I don't know what that extra stuff is in my post. But whatever. As long as you can see the images.

Well, that about does it. Thanks guys for ALL your support. Feedback is welcome. See ya around...

Southtown (640x480) 0hGNWik

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21.0/older HR SP Re: Southtown (640x480) Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:33 pm



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A very nice concept, maybe you could use a different text for southtown and make it blend a bit better.

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Southtown (640x480) XqZWtLC

31.0/older HR SP Re: Southtown (640x480) Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:59 am



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Good idea, GLB! Thanks!

Southtown (640x480) 0hGNWik

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41.0/older HR SP Re: Southtown (640x480) Thu Oct 04, 2012 4:40 pm



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No problem. Truthfully, the Ryo and Terry renders clash a bit. My own personal gripe would be to remove those completely, however i know it fits your southtown concept. Or maybe place them on the opposite side of one another and get similar art of Terry and Ryo rather than their art style now which clashes a bit to me. And to expand on the text a bit more, the graffiti style clashes hard. You should consider a different type of text and possibly tone down its opacity or something like that.

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Southtown (640x480) XqZWtLC

51.0/older HR SP Re: Southtown (640x480) Thu Oct 04, 2012 8:59 pm



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Gotcha. Big Boss helped me out on the Terry and Ryo renders. Updates should be coming soon. The graffiti is bad. I knew I shouldn't have used that. Heh, I get this on point, homie.

Southtown (640x480) 0hGNWik

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61.0/older HR SP Re: Southtown (640x480) Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:46 am



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Ah, alright cool. That's great that Grey is helping!

The graffiti's not a bad idea, it just doesn't fit well. Seeing the background, (the fire barrell, brick wall etc) gives it that friendly nostalgic feel. The graffiti just kind of clashes the classic feeling.

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Southtown (640x480) XqZWtLC

71.0/older HR SP Re: Southtown (640x480) Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:53 pm



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Oh, over where you're coming from now. Maybe I can tighten it up this evening...

Southtown (640x480) 0hGNWik

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81.0/older HR SP Re: Southtown (640x480) Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:33 pm



Southtown (640x480) 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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Southtown (640x480) Mugen026

Southtown (640x480) Mugen027


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-Cleaned Terry's and Ryo's image, thanks to some help and advice from BIGBOSS!
-NEW larger menu font!
-Small ports stayed the same, I cool with the way they are.
-Yep, that's the powerbar.
-New stage font with letters, numbers and symbols.
-New "Southtown" title sprite.

Hope you guys enjoy the updates. Thanks to everyone who helped me and provided such good feedback.

Southtown (640x480) 0hGNWik

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91.0/older HR SP Re: Southtown (640x480) Sat Oct 06, 2012 6:35 pm



Southtown (640x480) OjtZ7W5
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It looks better, Vegaz. The title screen is much improved, but something still seems off on it. I can't quite place it though... I think it's the graffiti still. Maybe you could consider a new font style?

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Southtown (640x480) XqZWtLC

101.0/older HR SP Re: Southtown (640x480) Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:10 pm



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Thanks, GLB! Your feedback is very much appreciated!

Southtown (640x480) 0hGNWik

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111.0/older HR SP Re: Southtown (640x480) Sun Oct 07, 2012 2:29 pm



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No problem, Vegaz. I look forward to your future projects. I'm really pumped to see what you give us next. Keep up the good work.

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Southtown (640x480) XqZWtLC

121.0/older HR SP Re: Southtown (640x480) Mon Oct 08, 2012 6:53 pm



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Sure thing. I was also made aware of a small mistake so...

Update. Fixed the Vs screen.

Southtown (640x480) Mugen028

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Southtown (640x480) 0hGNWik

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131.0/older HR SP Re: Southtown (640x480) Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:24 pm



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Southtown (640x480) Mugen029y


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-Added my new system sound file (AOF3).
-Added new select icons thanks to the Wonderfully talented Miss Yuyu! :2thumbsup:

Thanks again for the support...

Southtown (640x480) 0hGNWik

Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

141.0/older HR SP Re: Southtown (640x480) Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:24 pm



Southtown (640x480) OjtZ7W5
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Nice updates, Vegaz.

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Southtown (640x480) XqZWtLC

151.0/older HR SP Re: Southtown (640x480) Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:18 pm



Southtown (640x480) 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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Thanks. Man, I totally forgot to add a new sound file. I HAD to fix that...

Southtown (640x480) 0hGNWik

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161.0/older HR SP Re: Southtown (640x480) Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:02 pm



Southtown (640x480) 49283851498_0631820187_o
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Nice updates! Vegaz!!

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