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My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars)

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My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
Newsboy (Stone)
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Well I am a bit lazy so I'll copy/past from MIL a bit. :pirat:

These are my first release to the public under Pre-Alpha stage.
I need alot of feedback in order to get where I want to be. study
These only work on MUGEN 1.0! And on HD resolution for now only.
I will work on a motif for 640x480 resolution when I am finished.
No winmugen motif, unless someone makes one, which I will gladly host.

Here is my progress so far.
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This is what I'm aiming for:
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Download the Pre-Alpha from here:
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Some progress has already been made but I'll post that tomorrow Twisted Evil

Last edited by sal-azul on Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:32 am; edited 1 time in total

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Credits to ayumifan-S for the sig!
I am a noob contributor Newager.. wait, when did this happen? :falcon:



My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49283851498_0631820187_o
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Great Lifebars Sal!
To bad this pc dosn't handle HD, or I would help you...
And some stuff I notice from the screen:
Since your using the lifebars that R2 made, thats nice;
The power bar looks like there layerno = 1, you should change that to 2.
Thats it, keep up the good work!
And you should make one for the 320, 240 motfit, caus some peaple don't use hi res motfits

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Thanks Watta!

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My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) OjtZ7W5
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Not a bad project. Lookin very stylish.

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My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49283851498_0631820187_o
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Girlfriends lil bro wrote:Not a bad project. Lookin very stylish.

yep. keep up the goodwork Sal

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My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
Newsboy (Stone)
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thanks for the support guys!
@Seph: don't know what you mean there. confused
This is the code that I have on the powerbars for now, but I don't see layerno = 1 in it.
;Player 1
p1.pos    = 550,550
p1.bg0.anim = 40
p1.bg0.offset = -6,4
p1.front.anim = 43
p1.front.offset = -6,4
p1.range.x = -18,-227
p1.counter.offset = -25,75
p1.counter.font = 4,0, 0, 242,242,255

;Player 2
p2.pos    = 740,550
p2.bg0.anim = 40
p2.bg0.offset = -40,4
p2.bg0.facing = -1
p2.front.anim = 43
p2.front.offset = -40,4
p2.front.facing = -1
p2.range.x  = -24,187
p2.counter.offset = -25,75
p2.counter.font = 4,0, 0, 242,242,255

; --level sounds---
level1.snd = 21,0
level2.snd = 21,0
level3.snd = 21,0

[Begin Action 40] ;Darkened powerbar background
40,0, 0,0, 1,, A1

[Begin Action 43] ;Flashing powerbar
43,0, 0,0, 15,, A1

All help will be appreciated :falcon:

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Credits to ayumifan-S for the sig!
I am a noob contributor Newager.. wait, when did this happen? :falcon:



My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49283851498_0631820187_o
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sal-azul wrote:thanks for the support guys!
@Seph: don't know what you mean there. confused
This is the code that I have on the powerbars for now, but I don't see layerno = 1 in it.
;Player 1
p1.pos    = 550,550
p1.bg0.anim = 40
p1.bg0.offset = -6,4
p1.front.anim = 43
p1.front.offset = -6,4
p1.range.x = -18,-227
p1.counter.offset = -25,75
p1.counter.font = 4,0, 0, 242,242,255

;Player 2
p2.pos    = 740,550
p2.bg0.anim = 40
p2.bg0.offset = -40,4
p2.bg0.facing = -1
p2.front.anim = 43
p2.front.offset = -40,4
p2.front.facing = -1
p2.range.x  = -24,187
p2.counter.offset = -25,75
p2.counter.font = 4,0, 0, 242,242,255

; --level sounds---
level1.snd = 21,0
level2.snd = 21,0
level3.snd = 21,0

[Begin Action 40] ;Darkened powerbar background
40,0, 0,0, 1,, A1

[Begin Action 43] ;Flashing powerbar
43,0, 0,0, 15,, A1

All help will be appreciated :falcon:
Well, if you don't have one: add one.
Heres a copy of my lifebars Powerbar section:
;--------------Player 1---------------
p1.pos = 11,-6

p1.bg1.offset = 13,230
p1.bg1.spr = 12,0
p1.bg1.layerno = 2
p1.bg1.scale = 0.5,0.5

p1.front.offset = 12,228
p1.front.anim = 60
p1.front.layerno = 2
p1.front.scale = 0.5,0.5

p1.counter.offset = 4,237
p1.counter.font = 2,0,0
p1.counter.layerno = 2

p1.range.x = 15,78

;--------------Player 2---------------
p2.pos = 17,-6

p2.bg0.offset = 210,230
p2.bg0.spr = 12,1
p2.bg0.layerno = 2
p2.bg0.scale = 0.5,0.5

p2.bg1.offset = 273,40
p2.bg1.anim = 14
p2.bg1.layerno = 2
p2.bg1.scale = 0.5,0.5

p2.front.offset = 289,228
p2.front.spr = 31,0
p2.front.layerno = 2
p2.front.scale = 0.5,0.5
p2.front.facing = -1

p2.counter.offset = 288,237
p2.counter.font = 3,0,0
p2.counter.layerno = 2
Just add all the layerno to their sections and done! you power bar well be in front of the character and some parts of stages!

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Thanks Watta!

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My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
Newsboy (Stone)
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Whoa, thats something I didn't know. px.bg1.layerno = 2
well, since I'm new at coding I don't know what that is but I'll find out, Thanks for the powerbar example! It's going to help! :cheers:
Some progress that I made in collab with nameless353 in Guild/MIL and some tips from Zayro I got as well:
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Trying to figure out a way to add a new sprite so that the portraits can be place under it, any advice? Ah, no download link until I manage to get the Wheel of fate.. under control study

EDIT: sorry for not finishing the request of portraits that ayumifan-S made, I'll finish them up as soon as I get some good progress on the bars. :)

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Credits to ayumifan-S for the sig!
I am a noob contributor Newager.. wait, when did this happen? :falcon:



My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49283851498_0631820187_o
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nice... and are you using just a single sprite for thelfebars? if you are, i would recomend you crop the lifebars in half, so... i don't know, less color loss? and the lifebars should be 1
and i'm on my nintendo dsi now lol, so i won't be active that much on the forum, and soon a new lifebar wip! Twisted Evil

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Thanks Watta!

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My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
Newsboy (Stone)
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I did that at first, still had the same amount of colorloss Evil or Very Mad but It looks good like it is right now so no worries. and I'll check that they are = 1, thanks for the tip! :cheers:
more updates coming soon! study

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Credits to ayumifan-S for the sig!
I am a noob contributor Newager.. wait, when did this happen? :falcon:



My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
Newsboy (Stone)
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thank you! now for an update! no download link yet.
None Custom Regular Lifebars are now complete! :cheers:
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And Simul Custom Lifebars are more than half way done! Twisted Evil (I have no idea how I skipped Regular)
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More updates soon! study

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Credits to ayumifan-S for the sig!
I am a noob contributor Newager.. wait, when did this happen? :falcon:



My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) OjtZ7W5
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Custom made ports right! study

Fletch, The Angry Black

Fletch, The Angry Black

My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49283851498_0631820187_o
★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
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This is sick bro, this inspires me to make somethin

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Boosie Badazz I'll Spit On Ya!



My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
Newsboy (Stone)
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Whoa? I'm inspiring things?! scratch And inspiring GUN0TRADIO at most! Awsome! I feel very accomplished! :falcon:
@Jefe Grande (Big Boss): Well, your in for a suprise! Twisted Evil There will be a motif for Hi-Res/HD MUGEN 1.0 that allows one to choose for custum or regular portraits! :lift:

Also, the project has become a dual author project, Nameless353 from Guild/MIL has taken care of the coding part (which I SUCK at to be honest). I'm still main author being the mastermind and shiz, so expect more from me! :cheers:
Here are some spoilers of the current advances:
(some small changes will be made eventually, such as reallocating some sprites)

Single Lifebars
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Simul Lifebars
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Turns Lifebars
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No download link YET! :tease: More to come! :hayabusa:

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Credits to ayumifan-S for the sig!
I am a noob contributor Newager.. wait, when did this happen? :falcon:



My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) OjtZ7W5
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I'm smelling life bars of the year around here! Twisted Evil



My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49283851498_0631820187_o
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Oh great... one more lifebar that i won't be using... but really great upgrade sal!

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Thanks Watta!

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My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
Newsboy (Stone)
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wait, you only support low-res? scratch I thats so, I'll see If I can make something for ya Twisted Evil Just jive me time and you'll be seeing the lifebars for all res! :cheers: But were finishing up High-res/HD reolutions first since it is easier to to resize using 1.0's resize/locord feature. I'll make the low-res sprites ones once I finish up the remaining sprites for HD. So stay tuned! :falcon:

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Credits to ayumifan-S for the sig!
I am a noob contributor Newager.. wait, when did this happen? :falcon:



My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49283851498_0631820187_o
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Nope, I use winmugen, so I won't use it, and it will take time for me to change to 1.0, I'm not a fan of it. But I will test them when I have the time!

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Thanks Watta!

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My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
Newsboy (Stone)
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Sounds good! :bball:

An update! I got my build of the lifebars a bit early so I started fixin shit that was not accurate and sprites that were not correctly made.
So here is the main update:

Single Lifebars are now COMPLETE! Twisted Evil
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I fixed some issues with the portraits and stuff and now everything works perfectly on it. (I haven't checked the Sp. KO, Normal KO ,and Hyper KO so I'll be checking those later)

More to come! Twisted Evil

Private betas will be given out on February for bugs and issues reports Twisted Evil

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Credits to ayumifan-S for the sig!
I am a noob contributor Newager.. wait, when did this happen? :falcon:



My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) OjtZ7W5
★★Thousand Dragon★★
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Wow! looking good my friend, keep up the hard work. :pirat:



My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
Newsboy (Stone)
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Time for the progress on the Hi-Res Motif! Twisted Evil

I need to place a few things in the correct area but thats easy lol
resizing made the lifebars awful Evil or Very Mad But looks good either way for now.
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More later or tomorrow :cheers:

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Credits to ayumifan-S for the sig!
I am a noob contributor Newager.. wait, when did this happen? :falcon:



My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49283851498_0631820187_o
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I'm recomending you to take screenshots with F12, they look better if you do that.
Really nice...

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Thanks Watta!

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My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
Newsboy (Stone)
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F12? scratch well thats taken with Snipping Tool lol. and the quality is perfect, well at least that's what it seems study

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Credits to ayumifan-S for the sig!
I am a noob contributor Newager.. wait, when did this happen? :falcon:



My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49283851498_0631820187_o
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Well F12 only takes screens from mugen, and not the hole window or any stuff like that. but they still look nice study

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Thanks Watta!

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My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49283851498_0631820187_o
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Double posting caus i has idea for you lifebar =3
Since your lifebar has some color loss, why don't you jigsaw the lifebar?

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Thanks Watta!

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My Wips! (BB:CS, Rojo-Azul, SFxTekken, and other bars) 49283851498_0631820187_o
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Seph wrote:Well F12 only takes screens from mugen, and not the hole window or any stuff like that. but they still look nice study

plus it comes out as png instead of pcx in 1.0. study

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