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What's the longest game you have ever played?

Melchior M. Philips
Fletch, The Angry Black
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What's the longest game you have ever played? 31033064018_b80c08f405_o
Newsboy (Stone)
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I''m not talking about longest hours playing the game (with VS. mode and all that), I'm talking about how long it took to finish the story mode for a game. I'm currently playing a game called Persona 3 and its been like 50 hours and the game still isn't it got me thinking, what game has the longest story mode? and whats the longest game you have ever played?

For me it's Persona 3 cause I usually beat RPG's in about 20-25 hours.

What's the longest game you have ever played? DontMessWithTheBlackRanger



What's the longest game you have ever played? 49283851498_0631820187_o
★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
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Dark cloud hands down. KH II is second because I lvl up to 100 before beating the game. I played both these games on hard mode. I'm an expert in both so combined it would be around 75 hrs.



What's the longest game you have ever played? 31033064018_b80c08f405_o
Newsboy (Stone)
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ayumifan wrote:Dark cloud hands down. KH II is second because I lvl up to 100 before beating the game. I played both these games on hard mode. I'm an expert in both so combined it would be around 75 hrs.

75 hours combined, so around 32 hours for each? that is pretty long. I'm not tryin to get 100 percent in this persona 3 game and its still taking long lol its been like 55 hours now..........

What's the longest game you have ever played? DontMessWithTheBlackRanger



What's the longest game you have ever played? 49283851498_0631820187_o
★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
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no dark cloud took me almost 50 hrs to beat without getting evrything. the rest is kh II



What's the longest game you have ever played? 49283851498_0631820187_o
★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
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I will have to say Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria. Something you should know about right dalink XD. When I finally finished the game it was somewhere around 66 hours. I think that I could have beaten it earlier but the bosses were always like 4 times as strong as you I had to keep staying behind and leveling up.

What's the longest game you have ever played? Pbucket
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What's the longest game you have ever played? OjtZ7W5
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GTA San Andreas took me a while, just because I gave up and started again. But yeah, most long games are RPG's. Also before mugen I played Diablo, that took me a while.


What's the longest game you have ever played? XqZWtLC

Fletch, The Angry Black

Fletch, The Angry Black

What's the longest game you have ever played? 49283851498_0631820187_o
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GTA San Andreas, Resident Evil series (especially 1& 2)

What's the longest game you have ever played? Manfuckasignature
Boosie Badazz I'll Spit On Ya!



What's the longest game you have ever played? 31033064018_b80c08f405_o
Newsboy (Stone)
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TwilightPhoenix0402 wrote:I will have to say Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria. Something you should know about right dalink XD. When I finally finished the game it was somewhere around 66 hours. I think that I could have beaten it earlier but the bosses were always like 4 times as strong as you I had to keep staying behind and leveling up.

lol yeah i needed a break from that game because of all the leveling up that you mentioned, damn 66 hours, guess i got alot more time left in that game then. I think i left off at like 10 hours...........

What's the longest game you have ever played? DontMessWithTheBlackRanger



What's the longest game you have ever played? 49283851498_0631820187_o
★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
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I should play that game then. long rpg games keep me interested and im quite good at lvling



What's the longest game you have ever played? GlDVwFc
★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
Newagemugen Member for over 10 Years

Half life 2 I finished that game and addons like 15 times : P each time it was about 8-12 per once so 10x15=150 hours :P

Melchior M. Philips

Melchior M. Philips

What's the longest game you have ever played? 49283851498_0631820187_o
Death Note (Wood)
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TESIV: Oblivion, 100% complete.
took me about a month lol.

What's the longest game you have ever played? Catgz%20copy
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Mr Techno

Mr Techno

What's the longest game you have ever played? 49283851498_0631820187_o
Death Note (Wood)
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oh man Final Fantasy VII..........130 hrs.....took forever...... well had to have everything before i beat the game! :sephiroth:



What's the longest game you have ever played? 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
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For me probably the longest game I played is Final Fantasy VII or VIII. Each game is so long and has so many discs you have to swap.
It takes atleast a few weeks to beat the story mode in it for first time if you play it non stop every day and get everything to level99.
But it only depends on how good you are actually, it isnt a really difficult game.
But the great story keeps you addicted. Not to mention that it actually has multiple side quests and extra things you dont have to get if you dont want to, like build your ultima weapons in final fantasy VIII and collect all the triple triad cards. some people say you can find sephiroth and keep aerith alive somehow but i didnt succeed in these crying
SO yeah... probably takes a few weeks each maybe more

Last edited by SuperWhiskey on Sat Jun 25, 2022 6:32 am; edited 2 times in total



What's the longest game you have ever played? 31033064018_b80c08f405_o
Newsboy (Stone)
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★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
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lol I'm surprise alot of you guys want 100 percent in these long games. After the main story is done then I usually leave it; Although, I am thinking of going back to Disgaea and doing some extra missions because there are alot of cool things to do after you beat the game. I guess for me, I just gotta wait a long time after I finish a long game before I can go back to it.

What's the longest game you have ever played? DontMessWithTheBlackRanger



What's the longest game you have ever played? 49283851498_0631820187_o
Death Note (Wood)
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★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
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CALL OF DUTY 2 4HRS THEN I BEAT WOKE UP AT 4 am then sleep at

Fletch, The Angry Black

Fletch, The Angry Black

What's the longest game you have ever played? 49283851498_0631820187_o
★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
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Um..what else......probably Def Jam fight 4 New York.

What's the longest game you have ever played? Manfuckasignature
Boosie Badazz I'll Spit On Ya!

Mr Techno

Mr Techno

What's the longest game you have ever played? 49283851498_0631820187_o
Death Note (Wood)
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★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
Newagemugen Member for over 10 Years

well i also had FF X....Samurai Warriors 2.......for mw2 22 days online...XD

samurai warriors had 135 hrs too lol

What's the longest game you have ever played? Sigproductfinal



What's the longest game you have ever played? 49283851498_0631820187_o
Newsboy (Stone)
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★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
Newagemugen Member for over 10 Years
Rank Hunter (Bronze)
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longest game.......probably Mass Effect 2 i literally did everything in that game..shame its all on my bros acount

What's the longest game you have ever played? KnightofSetoniaWhat's the longest game you have ever played? VenomToxinsigbyToxin2

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