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Posts : 591 Reputation : 39 Join date : 2018-08-02
The legendary mongolian brawlers home turf has returned! just a few little pointers amigo:
- Gradient line between blue sky and orange has no fade so looks unnatural (guessing its been tiled for zoom reasons)
- Orange clouds are floating over the blue portion of the sky which makes them clash and the pixelated edges show quite badly contrasted against the bg (a blue recolor of them and some transparency would fix that)
- big cloud at top of sky look like they have been mirror flipped and have same symmetry
Posts : 1709 Reputation : 11 Join date : 2012-02-24
xXEnchanter.ZuXx wrote:The legendary mongolian brawlers home turf has returned! just a few little pointers amigo:
- Gradient line between blue sky and orange has no fade so looks unnatural (guessing its been tiled for zoom reasons)
- Orange clouds are floating over the blue portion of the sky which makes them clash and the pixelated edges show quite badly contrasted against the bg (a blue recolor of them and some transparency would fix that)
- big cloud at top of sky look like they have been mirror flipped and have same symmetry
fix those and this will shine!
Thanks for the feedback. I addressed the issues and reuploaded.