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A marketplace or buy, sell and exchange hub for collectibles and games etc?

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A marketplace or buy, sell and exchange hub for collectibles and games etc? 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
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Just a fleeting thought that me and some of my friends here have been discussing, i'm sure many of us here are collectors of some sort.
Be it video games, action figures, trading cards, resin models , or whatever.
What if we had an open market place where people could list items that they have for sale?

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A marketplace or buy, sell and exchange hub for collectibles and games etc? 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
Newagemugen Member for over 10 Years

Hell yeah! I say go for it!!

I think that's a great idea tbh. I wanted to open up a Yugioh market place aswell.
Ive been involved in many yugioh auction houses and YGO trading communities, both english and Japanese because I collect and sell big ticket OCG graded Gem Mint cards and stuff so it would be a great place to offer people exclusive first access to some very rare cards for collecting that people normally dont have access to so yeeea bwoooiiiii!

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