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introduction of the century

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1introduction of the century Empty introduction of the century Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:28 pm



introduction of the century SPOGNVp
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whats up, im joshtrademark, i love mugen and i really want to get into content creation for this community. the process of character creating is really intimidating, and seeing the amazing things that people make on this forum inspire me to really try and make my own!  B)
i got into mugen around 2018-2019 and its been one of the only fighting games ive really enjoyed. just like everything else i do, i've come back to it after a couple of months, and i'm again realizing how amazing this stuff is. i'm trying to look more into fighting games, as the only ones ive really played are soulcaliber and streetfighter. im currently in college, so the content creation isnt really my top priority, but i've still be using my free time to play mugen! headbang
i also have my own website hosted on neocities, check it out!
hopefully i wont get deleted instantly for being a newbie bucktooth
(these emoticons are great lol)

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2introduction of the century Empty Re: introduction of the century Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:42 pm



introduction of the century RjBqV68
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welcome to Newagemugen.

Newagemugen does not delete newcomers/new members.
We only remove accounts with 0 forum activity or account that fail to meet our terms & conditions of use/registration requirenents.

Please enjoy the forum and thank you for joining

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3introduction of the century Empty Re: introduction of the century Wed Nov 29, 2023 7:06 pm

-Metal SK-

-Metal SK-

introduction of the century 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
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Death Note (Wood)
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Hi buddy, welcome to the site!

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