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Mugen really done changed!

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1Mugen really done changed! Empty Mugen really done changed! Sat Aug 12, 2023 7:10 pm

JJ Darko

JJ Darko

Mugen really done changed! 2GPpdMR
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Hi guys

Mugen really done changed am I right?
I don't expect anyone here to remember me since i never really did or said anything impactful, but old returning member JJ darko or JJ for short.
I registered here like 10 years ago to download some screenpacks for mugen 1.0 and was always amazed and inspired by the unique and stylistic stuff that only Newagemugen used to make.
Coming back here over a decade later I can see things have only gotten better and better and youtube basically kept redirecting me back here!
Anyways I intend to actually do something meaningful here this time around. I recently discovered that you can now actually get commissions from you guys to make screenpacks and stages and stuff, which wasnt an option back the, and my main reason of coming here to is get some commissions for remakes of my favorite all time screenpacks from the good old days!
I can't wait to really get this ball rolling so look out for some cool stuff to be happening from my corner Thumbs Up study

Phant0mD, xXEnchanter.ZuXx and creativeprecursor like this post

2Mugen really done changed! Empty Re: Mugen really done changed! Sat Aug 12, 2023 7:35 pm



Mugen really done changed! 2GPpdMR
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As one from the past I welcome you!
In twenty years Mugen has changed
drastically I can fully understand a
ten year gap.

Yes you see the smile but don't be alarmed
I only smile when I am around friends!

JJ Darko likes this post

3Mugen really done changed! Empty Re: Mugen really done changed! Sat Aug 12, 2023 7:58 pm

JJ Darko

JJ Darko

Mugen really done changed! 2GPpdMR
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hey thanks.
I'm just taking time to absorb all the crazy stuff on here.
love the look of the forum btw, cudos to the webmasters here (I see even Grayfox is still active!)

Phant0mD and xXEnchanter.ZuXx like this post

4Mugen really done changed! Empty Re: Mugen really done changed! Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:47 am



Mugen really done changed! 52117799409_ab650ff4e9_o
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welcome back to the family amigo! we kept the kettle on and the tea is ready!

Mugen really done changed! P21sO8E

5Mugen really done changed! Empty Re: Mugen really done changed! Mon Aug 14, 2023 1:25 am



Mugen really done changed! 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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Haha yeah mane! Another OG returns huh lol not even surprised XD
Well we have continued to follow the ancient traditions and yes, the big homie & NAM Co-Founder GRAYFOX is still on board and we don't intend on goin' nowhere! It only gets more o h o n k y from here thawotitizboi

Mugen really done changed! 39617182812_da9b58ffc9_o

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