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what do y'all do here for fun?

Crosstag Enjoyer
Filthy Fredo
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1what do y'all do here for fun? Empty what do y'all do here for fun? Tue Jul 18, 2023 10:04 pm



what do y'all do here for fun? SPOGNVp
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Hello everyone i'm new to the newagemugen community. what do y'all do here for fun?

2what do y'all do here for fun? Empty Re: what do y'all do here for fun? Wed Jul 19, 2023 1:18 am



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UltimaUchiha wrote:Hello everyone i'm new to the newagemugen community. what do y'all do here for fun?

I'll give you a clue. It starts with Mugen and ends with creation. B)

3what do y'all do here for fun? Empty Re: what do y'all do here for fun? Wed Jul 19, 2023 2:38 am



what do y'all do here for fun? RjBqV68
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Hi guys. FYI there is already an existing Anime Discussion topic here:

what do y'all do here for fun? LFGmvhz

4what do y'all do here for fun? Empty Re: what do y'all do here for fun? Fri Jul 21, 2023 4:44 am

Filthy Fredo

Filthy Fredo

what do y'all do here for fun? 51631106195_34e64106bd_o
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For fun I like to read lots of hisyory books and also architecture and engineering designs are of interest to me

The Cosmic frog will get you!
what do y'all do here for fun? JABb8Bu
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5what do y'all do here for fun? Empty Re: what do y'all do here for fun? Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:56 am



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I read a lot. Mostly fantasy but some sci-fi as well. I also enjoy looking through art books. I've written some VA scripts and I've had a couple fills. I've been trying to get into the local D&D scene but a lot of groups are filled and aren't in a position to accept a newbie like me.

Knighted Palettus, maximus the 3rd

6what do y'all do here for fun? Empty Re: what do y'all do here for fun? Sat Jul 22, 2023 2:17 am



what do y'all do here for fun? 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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I used to play lots of Rhythm games like Beatmania IIDX.
But for the past few years I have placed more importance on furthering my career or using my spare time more productively.
Therefore a large portion of my spare time for the past few years has been purely devoted to doing Design commission work for various clients, both Mugen related and non-mugen related.
I am currently working on a project for another member as we speak and another one straight after that is complete potentially.

7what do y'all do here for fun? Empty Re: what do y'all do here for fun? Tue Jul 25, 2023 5:15 am



what do y'all do here for fun? 2GPpdMR
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I play League of Legends or go to a music show or Goth club maybe even a strip club.
If none of those things hang out with with friends.

Yes you see the smile but don't be alarmed
I only smile when I am around friends!

8what do y'all do here for fun? Empty Re: what do y'all do here for fun? Wed Jul 26, 2023 2:12 am



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I am a self confessed nature geek.
I enjoy building terrariums.
I used to build them for other people on request and I've done some pretty nice ones in my day.
I used to have a few really cool Beetle terrariums but one started leaking so i decided it was time to not keep them in the house especially in my lounge incase they get faults when i am away.

what do y'all do here for fun? CPi7Pvr

9what do y'all do here for fun? Empty Re: what do y'all do here for fun? Wed Jul 26, 2023 6:08 am



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Strip club aye, what state u in acid, let me know all the hot spots and no go zones Cheesin

what do y'all do here for fun? I2Dg5Fs

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10what do y'all do here for fun? Empty Re: what do y'all do here for fun? Wed Jul 26, 2023 6:31 am



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Ohio been here since my birth! Lol we have hot spots and some cold ones too!

Yes you see the smile but don't be alarmed
I only smile when I am around friends!

11what do y'all do here for fun? Empty Re: what do y'all do here for fun? Fri Sep 22, 2023 10:15 am

Crosstag Enjoyer

Crosstag Enjoyer

what do y'all do here for fun? Wcz4RWt
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I like to browse some of the cool stuff people are cooking up here. it's pretty amazing how dedicated and high quality the stuff here is as compared to other things from other sites and such.

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12what do y'all do here for fun? Empty Re: what do y'all do here for fun? Sat Sep 23, 2023 12:05 am



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hmm what do i do for fun?
I'm a gym rat since birth haha. born into a family of lifters so lifting, martial arts & calesthenics has always been my jam!
My old man was a bodybuilder so its in the blood lol.
Healthy body, healthy mind! the secret to making the best mugen thangs!
Apart from that and le mugens, mostly graphic design and i sell & trade Yugioh cards lol thats my nerdiest outlet haha but i getr a free pass because it was my girlfriend who got me into it around covid when we were in lockdown lol

what do y'all do here for fun? 39617182812_da9b58ffc9_o

13what do y'all do here for fun? Empty Re: what do y'all do here for fun? Wed Sep 27, 2023 2:00 am



what do y'all do here for fun? 2GPpdMR
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I need to get back into exercising relaxed into the dad life now im a dad of an adult and hate my shape.

Yes you see the smile but don't be alarmed
I only smile when I am around friends!

14what do y'all do here for fun? Empty Re: what do y'all do here for fun? Thu Sep 28, 2023 8:35 pm



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I play various card games, rpgs, mostl of square enix, and i sell various handycrafts with my partner we make together as a side business.
Oh and nature hikes are fun too

what do y'all do here for fun? IuFetyD

15what do y'all do here for fun? Empty Re: what do y'all do here for fun? Thu Oct 19, 2023 1:20 am



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Playing card games such as YGO OCG during leisure time

16what do y'all do here for fun? Empty Re: what do y'all do here for fun? Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:54 am



what do y'all do here for fun? 52117799409_ab650ff4e9_o
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chris wrote:Playing card games such as YGO OCG during leisure time

i love me some YGO now and then too! I think a few people here do actually Cheesin

what do y'all do here for fun? P21sO8E

17what do y'all do here for fun? Empty Re: what do y'all do here for fun? Sat Nov 04, 2023 10:08 pm



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seems like we all are partial to a little bit of YGO.
Has anyone tried rush duels yet?

what do y'all do here for fun? FXzcO3r

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