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[girls only^^]Any other gals here?

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1[girls only^^]Any other gals here? Empty [girls only^^]Any other gals here? Fri Jul 07, 2023 7:22 am



[girls only^^]Any other gals here? 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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Just curious, other than me, Vspy, Magi, and GamerG (who kinda went mia) are there any other gals on here?^^

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2[girls only^^]Any other gals here? Empty Re: [girls only^^]Any other gals here? Fri Jul 07, 2023 11:03 pm



[girls only^^]Any other gals here? 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
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realistically I think you me and vspy are the only gamergs sad enough to be here doing this odd hobby
[girls only^^]Any other gals here? 1f602

3[girls only^^]Any other gals here? Empty Re: [girls only^^]Any other gals here? Sat Jul 08, 2023 1:00 am



[girls only^^]Any other gals here? 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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^^ well ya never know, i mean it was smash bros that largely influenced me into mugen^^ the problem is its kinda hard to find out on other sites because the minute people find out your pfp they start dming you to death! comes with the territory i guess^^

4[girls only^^]Any other gals here? Empty Re: [girls only^^]Any other gals here? Wed Jul 19, 2023 1:21 am



[girls only^^]Any other gals here? 49240809213_a0332873ca_o
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Shakti♥chu<3 wrote: the problem is its kinda hard to find out on other sites because the minute people find out your pfp they start dming you to death! comes with the territory i guess^^

I wouldn't advise it. But then again, many people in mugen simply pretend to be girls....
There's even one famous incident on another forum where a bunch of users thought they were talking to a girl which was actually a transgender man who identified as a woman (before the world started going a little kooky on the whole gender issue) so it was quite a controversial drama.

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