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I'm new here

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1I'm new here Empty I'm new here Thu May 25, 2023 2:12 pm



I'm new here SPOGNVp
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Hello! Honestly I can't remember the last time I was part of an old school forum, maybe 15 years ago? Anyways, hi there I'm Julian. Recently got into MUGEN and I'm just kind of getting a feel for the game and the community. My interest was piqued a while back when I watched a friend on Twitch playing Jump Force (I'm assuming it was like v10 or 11).

Took it upon myself recently to figure out how to download and install a couple different MUGEN variants. Right now I've got Jump Force v12 and Super Heroes 2000 because I'm into comics and anime. A long time ago I started streaming on The Official Marvel vs DC Facebook page doing VS Battle Debates, and this struck me as the perfect thing to add a visual component to that. While I haven't streamed in almost a year on Facebook or Twitch (where I used this username), I always think back to how fun it was to watch those MUGEN battles. So I've decided to try again with a small hobby stream on an old Facebook page I ran with over 1200 followers (Visions of Battleworld, you can look it up. Been inactive for about 3 years.)

Anyways, I'm not sure yet how I will be contributing to the community. Most of the time, I don't fit in, that's just facts. We'll see, though. I would love to be able to contribute in some way, whether it's promotion or whatever. I've dabbled with game dev tools in the past, so who knows?

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2I'm new here Empty Re: I'm new here Thu May 25, 2023 2:26 pm



I'm new here RjBqV68
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welcome to newagemugen forums.
Please enjoy your stay.

I'm new here 37790345872_ebfeb58d10_o

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3I'm new here Empty Re: I'm new here Fri May 26, 2023 4:08 am



I'm new here 28356897037_5be1f6146a_o
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Hello, and also welcome to the forum.
I have a similar story. Has a very long break away from the mugen community to sort my real life. Then as a much older bag of bones, came back for the nostalgia but found so much more.
Glad to not be the only one, perhaps there are many more with a similar story here, who knows.

I'm new here IuFetyD

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