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1Introduction Empty Introduction Thu May 18, 2023 6:28 pm


Introduction SPOGNVp
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HELLOOOOO. My name is Austin, and I am a computer programmer. This place seems chill (hopefully less toxic than Mugen Archieve). I just hope we can all be friends. If you ever want to msg me or just play, DONT BE AFRAID TO REPLY HERE. i NEED some friends lol.

Elazul9000 and Vermilion Spy like this post

2Introduction Empty Re: Introduction Thu May 18, 2023 11:27 pm

Vermilion Spy

Vermilion Spy

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Hi fboleli

Welcome to Newagemugen.
Please enjoy your stay and look forward to seeing what you have to share/discuss.
We do have what would be probably one of the most, if not the most problem and drama free Mugen forums on the internet.
Feel free to browse the vaious threads and topic both mugen/nun-mugen and participate, share, or even create your own topics of interest that you think may be worth sharing Introduction 2764

Introduction 39750191021_f709bd611c_o

3Introduction Empty Re: Introduction Tue Jun 06, 2023 4:12 am



Introduction 28356897037_5be1f6146a_o
★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
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welcome to the website, its nice to meet you Introduction 1f64c

Introduction IuFetyD

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