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Underpass(1.1 Only) By Waneella and Vegaz

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1mugen 1.1 only lo-res stage Underpass(1.1 Only) By Waneella and Vegaz Fri May 05, 2023 12:54 pm



Underpass(1.1 Only) By Waneella and Vegaz 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
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Underpass(1.1 Only) By Waneella and Vegaz 2NVKBvi


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It's been a minute, but I got some more heat from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] that I chopped, coded and served fresh out the kitchen. Well, fresh to you guys. I've been sitting on it for a few months now, lol! Comes with zoom, animations, parallax and scale delta. Click and enjoy!

Last edited by Vegaz_Parrelli on Sat May 06, 2023 11:23 am; edited 1 time in total

Underpass(1.1 Only) By Waneella and Vegaz 0hGNWik

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Underpass(1.1 Only) By Waneella and Vegaz 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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Hi vegaz

Your video link doesn't appear to be working.
It might be the way you pasted the link.



Underpass(1.1 Only) By Waneella and Vegaz 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
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✴Ex-Sirius✴ wrote:Hi vegaz

Your video link doesn't appear to be working.
It might be the way you pasted the link.

Thanks! Fixed it.

Underpass(1.1 Only) By Waneella and Vegaz 0hGNWik

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Underpass(1.1 Only) By Waneella and Vegaz 28356897037_5be1f6146a_o
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Ok so my main complaint with this stage and a few others is that the Stages is far too small. There is no way to properly use zoning characters if you are a diner when you can’t use super jump or even have just a little bit more wiggle room.
It does not need to be huge, sf3 has a good grasp on this with their stage dimensions.
You can see how the characters look like giants on the stage and even during normal jump they already are off screen over the life bars.

Underpass(1.1 Only) By Waneella and Vegaz IuFetyD



Underpass(1.1 Only) By Waneella and Vegaz 49240809213_a0332873ca_o
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Elazul9000 wrote:Ok so my main complaint with this stage and a few others is that the Stages is far too small. There is no way to properly use zoning characters if you are a diner when you can’t use super jump or even have just a little bit more wiggle room.
It does not need to be huge, sf3 has a good grasp on this with their stage dimensions.
You can see how the characters look like giants on the stage and even during normal jump they already are off screen over the life bars.

The stage itself is small, yes, but the other reason why the characters appear so big in his video is because it doesnt look like he uses localcoord. So the characters are appearing full size as if it was 640x480 mode not widescreen where they would be 427,240



Underpass(1.1 Only) By Waneella and Vegaz 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
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Elazul9000 wrote:Ok so my main complaint with this stage and a few others is that the Stages is far too small. There is no way to properly use zoning characters if you are a diner when you can’t use super jump or even have just a little bit more wiggle room.
It does not need to be huge, sf3 has a good grasp on this with their stage dimensions.
You can see how the characters look like giants on the stage and even during normal jump they already are off screen over the life bars.

I hear ya. I could alter the scaling of each sprite, or manually edit the sprites to extend them. The first method is good as long as I don't increase them too much. The second method take a bit. I chose not to add to this one, and some of the others by Waneella. The zoom could also be adjusted to stay further out. That's a more simple fix that you could try to see if it fits your preference.

Balelynx wrote:
Elazul9000 wrote:Ok so my main complaint with this stage and a few others is that the Stages is far too small. There is no way to properly use zoning characters if you are a diner when you can’t use super jump or even have just a little bit more wiggle room.
It does not need to be huge, sf3 has a good grasp on this with their stage dimensions.
You can see how the characters look like giants on the stage and even during normal jump they already are off screen over the life bars.

The stage itself is small, yes, but the other reason why the characters appear so big in his video is because it doesnt look like he uses localcoord. So the characters are appearing full size as if it was 640x480 mode not widescreen where they would be 427,240

Correct. I only use localcoord on my stages, but not on my characters. Based on the chest level of the characters and the height of the window on the shop directly behind the characters, I think their size is appropriate.

Thanks for the feedback guys.

Underpass(1.1 Only) By Waneella and Vegaz 0hGNWik

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