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hey fellow gamers

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1hey fellow gamers Empty hey fellow gamers Tue Mar 07, 2023 9:22 pm



hey fellow gamers 49283851498_0631820187_o
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Hey fellow gamers. I go by Zeus. I've been studying pixel animation for a couple years. Really wanna get into game development. I love all kinds of game genres though was never too good at fighting games besides MK and Tekken. I've been meaning to get into mugen for so long but have a pretty poor pc. Always been fascinated by the concept of putting any character from multiple media into a fighting game. Last night, dreamed about having a beefed up pc with mugen installed and all my favorite movie and game characters included. Decided to join this community to hopefully learn more about it. I watch a twitch channel that plays mugen 24/7 and love it. Anyway, hope to make some friends and share my love of mugen, gaming in general and other nerdy stuff.

2hey fellow gamers Empty Re: hey fellow gamers Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:39 am



hey fellow gamers 52117799409_ab650ff4e9_o
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welcome to thew coolest mugen hangout in the world amigo!
You only get out what you put in, but its worth the effort! nice to have you on board amigo

hey fellow gamers P21sO8E

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