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Auto dodge mechanic?

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1Auto dodge mechanic? Empty Auto dodge mechanic? Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:30 pm



Auto dodge mechanic? SPOGNVp
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Yo, so I'm not actively working on this character (still beginning and I don't want to do this character until I have at least done something basic) but I was wondering if there's a way to give a character an auto dodge mechanic for something like a special move or even a low health state

By auto dodge, I mean that when the character is hit, instead of taking damage and being put in a stunned state they negate it entirely and get out of harm's way either via dodging in place or moving past the attack


2Auto dodge mechanic? Empty Re: Auto dodge mechanic? Sun Jan 08, 2023 5:09 am



Auto dodge mechanic? 28356897037_5be1f6146a_o
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Definitely doable. I think some characters already have that mechanic ive seen before.
Mostly in AI only cheapies though.

Assuming you already are familiar with the fundamental bread and butter of character creation this is what you're lookin for:

Auto dodge mechanic? I2Dg5Fs

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