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Newagemugen Quarterly Database Maintenance Update (01.12.22)

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Newagemugen Quarterly Database Maintenance Update (01.12.22) RjBqV68
卍♆★Divine Overseer★♆卍
Verified Senior Forum support/assistant/curator
The Greatest Showman (Platinum)
Created 40 or more Unique Topics
Survivor (Platinum)
Survived 6 Inactive Account Auto-purges
Lord Of War (Gold)
Obtained The Highest Tier 3 Warlord Class Rank
Idol Master (Gold)
Recieved 40 or more likes from other Members
Kindred Spirit (Gold)
Liked 30 Forum posts

Dear Newagemugen Forum/Discord Members,
As you will be aware, as part of our routine Database maintenance process and in accordance with the Newagemugen Account deletion policy & Terms of Use policy, we have begun our Quarterly Database Maintenance Update for Q'4 2022.
This involves a review of all active community members and their activity/contribution to Newagemugen forums.
We are also reviewing all members that are supported/sponsored via our Newagemugen Cinema Network program.
If your account is removed from either the forum/discord due to inactivity, please consider this an opportunity to review your account status and participation/contributions to the Newagemugen community.
Please find a summary below of our recent database maintenance:

Total no.of Inactive/dead accounts removed: 254
Total no.of pending inactive/incorrectly configured accounts : 22

This is an automated process in accordance with the Official Newagemugen Community Rules, Terms & Conditions of Use Policy
& the Official Newagemugen Account Demotion/Termination Policy (Updated Jan 2021).

To learn more about our Terms & conditions of membership & community policies regarding inactivity, registration, and our account ranking system,
please refer to the forum information links below:

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We apologize for any inconvenience.
We are constantly seeking active, contributing, supportive Members to join the exclusive Newagemugen community.
If you believe you have the qualities required to become an official Newagemugen community member, feel free to re-apply anytime

Thank you for visiting Newagemugen forums

Database Maintenance

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